
Elizabeth Starkey

Freelance Art Director, Designer, Videographer, and Artist


Elizabeth Starkey

Freelance Art Dir...

Viacom MTV EMA Design

#AdobeCreativeSuite #MTV #EMA #Entertainment #Design #GraphicDesign #Photoshop #Responsive #ResponsiveWebDesign #Television #WebDesign

These are design samples for MTV's European Music Awards, including responsive web design for the 2016 EMA and digital sponsor integration and promotional units for the 2015 EMA.

(Please see the project link to view the full project with additional layouts.)


Elizabeth Starkey

Freelance Art Dir...

Isle of MTV

#AdobeCreativeSuite #GIF #IsleOfMTV #MTV #Social #SocialMedia #Viacom #Vector #Animation

These designs were created to support the Isle of MTV live event. The teaser GIF was used on social media to announce DNCE's performance, referencing the song "Cake by the Ocean". The countdown and talent images were used to promote the event on social media. Live GIFs of the concert were created and posted during the event.

(Please see the project link to view the full project with additional designs.)

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