
🌈 FreeFlow

FreeFlow is a plugin for Sketch to boost your daily productivity, so you can focus on building better products and make your life a little happier 🌈

👉 Download FreeFlow

📺 Watch the demo (v1 only, new video coming soon)

FreeFlow allows you to quickly:

Copy and paste lots of things!

👉 Copy & Paste Any Layer to Multiple Artboards or Groups

👉 Copy & Paste multiple Symbol Overrides (from Instance to Instance)

👉 Copy & Paste Text values, Size & Position, Colors, Font Family, Opacity and more

👉 Insert an Instance to multiple Artboards or Groups at once (Great for nesting things quickly when building a design system making it much easier to create follow atomic design best practices).

Do lots of things in batches!

👉 Create Symbols, Text & Layer Styles as well as Color Vars given selected layers.

👉 Rename Text Layers and Text Styles based on their values.

Position things efficiently!

👉 "AutoLayout" (Beta) set spacing between elements or within groups

👉 Position elements based on the distance from right and bottom edges of the parent group or artboard

👉 Smart Sizing & Pinning: Set Selected Layers to Full Width or Height and Auto Pin Them (This is a taste of FreeFlow Autopilot – coming soon)

Quickly duplicate or generate things from Data!

👉 Duplicate Selected Layers in any Direction: Right, Down, Top and Left

👉 Create Typographic Scales from Selected Text Layer Style and Document Colors

👉 Duplicate Selected Text Layer, Group or Instance with CSV data from Data Symbol

👉 Populate Selected Instance with CSV data (Generate tables super fast - Beta)

👉 Populate and update image fills from a source element (great for flows so you don't have to create symbols of entire artboards)

Export things!

👉 Create a Style Guide of all document Colors, Text & Layer Styles (Beta - The styleguide includes CSS values)

👉 Export Selected Artboards as a self-contained SVG Animation (Preview in Browser, export code - Beta)

👉 Export Artboards or selected Layers to a responsive HTML Slideshow (Beta)

Wait, there's more... 😀

Using Sketch 68+? You can also install these FreeFlow Assistants:

👉 Document Stats & Coverage

👉 Artboards Status & Navigator


👉 Download the FreeView iOS app that allows you to see any cloud prototype in fullscreen: https://FreeAndWilling.com/fbmore/freeview

📺 Watch the demo (v1 only)
👉  Download FreeFlow


Made with ❤️  in NY by Francesco Bertocci

FreeFlow Sketch Plugin Download (v2.9.9.1)

🌈 FreeFlow Artboards Status & Navigator Assistant for Sketch

🌈 FreeFlow Document Stats & Coverage Assistant for Sketch

Set Selection (as reference)


Insert Stored Master Symbol into Artboards or Folders

Paste Stored Selection to Artboards or Folders

Select Similar Elements

Sync Stored Size to Symbols or Elements

Sync Stored Height to Symbols or Elements

Sync Stored Width to Symbols or Elements

Sync Stored Position to Symbols or Elements

Sync Stored Overrides to Other Symbols

Sync Stored Text Values to Text Layers or Symbols

Sync Stored Opacity to Elements

Apply Stored Font Family to Symbols or Text Layers