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Zodiac @zodiacmetrics

Startup, New York, NY

Zodiac is a SaaS predictive intelligence engine that allows companies to measure, track, and act on the customer lifetime value (CLV) of each of their customers. Zodiac uses cutting-edge statistical models to not only predict customer lifetime value, but also forecast core components of customer behavior.

Predict how many transactions customers will make in the next year. Identify customers likely to churn in the next quarter. Upsell your projected largest spenders. Our predictive technology lets you understand the core influences of your highest value customers. You'll always know how your customers will behave throughout the customer lifecycle – from acquisition to activation to retention.

Also, we know that businesses are constantly evolving. Our proprietary models are dynamic and continuously learn how your customer base is shifting over time. Zodiac's predictive engine always lets you stay current stay one step ahead of your customer's next move.

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