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Todd Morningstar @techarchist

Web Developer
at Self Employed in New York City, NY

Available Freelance techarchist.com

Contact me: Mon - Fri, 10am - 6:30pm

Hello, I’m a web developer and technologist living in Brooklyn, NY. I’d like to be the solution to your latest technology challenges. I admire modularized, DRY, and pragmatic code, work in any part of the stack, and love building new web applications. High availability applies not only to web services, but to those whom receive my services, in order to ensure all expectations are met. Reach out to me anytime, and lets get the ball rolling. No recruiters, please.


Webficient, Crownbox, HipChip, TrueNorth Healthcare, Atlas Healthcare, Rockethub, Vice Media, Viacom, CafeMedia, Grandparents.com, AOL, The Gap


Ruby, Rails, PHP, jQuery, CSS, HTML5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS, Heroku, Yii, MVC, NoSQL, JavaScript, keyval cloud stores, normalization, instrumentation, scale, full stack, A/B testing, analytics, refactoring, modernization, Node.js, Backbone.js, Android / Java


English, German, a little Spanish

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