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Augusta Duffey @AugustaDuffey

Creative Director | Innovation and Digital focus
in New York City, NY

Available Freelance or Fulltime www.augustaduffey.com


USA Today, American Express, IBM, Coca-Cola, Volvo, Babyganics, EMC, JPMorgan, Chase, and a few too many others.


Creative Direction, Digital Media, Online Advertising, Web Design, Art Direction, Interactive Advertising, Advertising, Creative Strategy, Integrated Marketing, Interactive Marketing, User Experience Design, Social Media, Mobile Marketing, Digital Strategy, User Experience, Interaction Design, User Interface Design, Experience Design, Mobile Design, Mobile Devices, Motion Design, Brand Development, Concept Development, Interactive Media, Brand Architecture, Data Visualization, Branded Content, Branded Content Development, Branded Entertainment, HTML 5, Video, Content Strategy, Photography, Information Architecture, Branding & Identity, Outdoor Advertising, Corporate Branding, Online Platforms, Product Development, Product Design, Graphic Design, CSS3, Logo Design, Typography

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