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Dani Dufresne @DaniD9183

Senior Integrated & Broadcast Producer
at Freelance in NEW YORK, NY

Available Freelance or Fulltime dani-dufresne.squarespace.com

Contact me: Anytime

I am a Senior Producer with a background in award winning broadcast, branded content and digital projects. I have over 13 years of experience in overseeing productions from creative conception through final delivery. I have proven abilities in creative development and strategy, as well as a deep knowledge of emerging trends. What I bring to the position is a combination of strong drive, team leadership, strategic planning and creative development skills. These abilities have helped me to work with top brands such as Wells Fargo, Target and JOHNSONS to build content that not only reaches the audience, but is embraced by them. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview to discuss your organization’s needs and the results you could expect from me in addressing those needs. I am also able to provide you with a demo reel and references upon request. I thank you in advance for your time and review of my qualifications and for your consideration.


Top Clients Include: Macys, Target, MAC, Sephora, Audi, Kate Spade, Vera Wang, Wells Fargo, Johnson&Johnson Brands, Arnold NY, Select NY, Universal McCann, J3, Fossil, RGA and more...


Pre Production, Scoping, Vendor Negotiations, Production, Staffing, Creative Development, Team Management, Post Production, VFX/CGI, Client Management



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