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Lindsey Miller @LindseyMiller

Community Manager
at The Yard: Space to Work in New York City, NY

Available Freelance or Fulltime about.me/lindsey.em

Contact me: I'm pretty flexible at the moment- so feel free to contact me anytime.

It is great to work with me because... I'm honest, loyal, assertive, empathetic, a great listener, I observe. I believe I have a high EQ, a great communicator (orally & by written word). I like to have fun, have a dry sense of humor, but also care deeply for others and the betterment of our society through innovative human growth and evolution (technology is one of those drivers).


Facebook, NY Times, Autodesk, Lynda.com


UX design, Product Management, Oral & Written Communication, Business Development, Research, Qualitative Analysis, Event Planning, Social Media, Staff Development, Teaching, Event Management, PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, Editing, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Non-profits, Customer Service, Fundraising, Community Outreach, Grant Writing, Volunteer Management, Program Evaluation, Policy Analysis, Environmental Education, Nonprofits, Social Networking, Recruiting, Public Speaking, Blogging, Facebook



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