A collection of select free and paid Sketch UIKits, Templates, Plugins, Workshops, Events, Online Courses, Prototyping Tools and more curated by Francesco Bertocci. Some deals are unique to the Marketplace and offered by friends and partners.
“Design Engineers. It might sound antinomic but I’ve come to realise that it is far from it. I’ve been thinking for a while about the design profession as a whole and how it might change in the…”
A story about how it’s possible to visualise the (positive) impact of a design system using git-log to extract data about changes in a codebase and D3.js to draw them along a timeline.
In Framer X, we introduced code components, re-usable elements that can be programmed from scratch, based on React. You can create your own, or install them from the Store. Within these components…
Let’s start with a huge thank you. It’s been almost 3.5 years since we released Zeplin and it’s now being used by thousands of teams, more than 1.5 million people, from all around the world. Today…
There’s clearly a gap between designers and developers. This seems all too familiar, and to my surprise it seems we’ve been mostly trying to navigate around it instead of facing it head on. About a…
Design your web UI, then use the design directly from code. No more time wasted translating mockups to JSX and CSS. Using Pagedraw is like adding another React developer to your team.
Bubble introduces a new way to build a web application. It’s a point-and-click programming tool, entirely without code. Bubble hosts all applications on its cloud platform.
For some time, we’ve been scratching our heads around how to present relationships between screens, the flow of the project in Zeplin. This would not just inform developers, but also help everyone in…
When I started my internship at Yummygum I had no experience in developing Sketch plugins. Of course I’ve used a couple of Sketch plugins before but I never actually worked on the development of one…
We’ve been exploring how to build a design process around Framer, but until we could get our designs into Zeplin or something like it, our prototypes would be all show, no tell. Enter Gotcha 👌.