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AskTina @asktina-io

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

As material wealth increases, we increasingly begin to focus on the one commodity we cannot buy more of… time.

In his book The E-Myth, Michael Gerber clearly states an entrepreneur must work ON their business and not IN their business in order to succeed.

Currently, to outsource admin, an entrepreneur must invest a significant portion of their time on admin… to outsource their admin.

We built VirtualValley.io to significantly reduce the amount of time an entrepreneur has to spend recruiting and managing virtual assistants. Direct and indirect feedback from users of the platform led us to building a product that would almost eradicate the “management problem”.

Tina is effectively a “black hole” for small administrative tasks, where an entrepreneur can outsource tasks within their business without recruiting or managing of a virtual assistant.

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