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Atlas App Store @atlasappstore

Startup, New York, NY – 11-50 employees

Atlas is a cross-platform mobile app store and search engine. We focus on improving app discoverability, and assess just 10% of revenues for paid downloads and in-app purchases.

The latest research by Fiksu analytics finds that it costs an average of $200,000 to get an app into a US top list. Further, top list rank directly correlates with daily app revenue (MetaKite). As a result of a pay-to-play system, millions in revenue is lost every year as a result of outdated search tools, because most apps never find their niche audiences.

Instead of using outdated top lists, Atlas more intelligently recommends apps to users based on individual interests, friend activity, and app local relevance - providing a smarter, more personalized app store experience.

As an all-encompassing mobile app platform, Atlas is not only an app store, but an app search engine, provider of unique digital marketing options, developer tools, and other options not available on any other app store.

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