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Bar & Club Stats @bar-club-stats-dreamit-2014

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

SaaS platform focused on protecting any venue that has visitors and checks IDs.

BCS sees each time a drivers license is checked as a potential data point. A data point for the venue to protect itself and gain a better understanding of their customers, and for marketers and advertisers (beer, liquor, lifestyle companies) to gain a better understanding of their users.

BCS uses the camera on an iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device to scan IDs. Once an ID is scanned, we extract anonymous info (time of entry, age, gender, zip code), send it to our database, aggregate and analyze it, and provide it back to the venue and marketers. We can see the gender split, patron flow, average age and distribution, number of repeat customers, compare days and weeks, etc.

Free and premium editions on iTunes and in the Play Store. In 10,000+ venues including stadiums, casinos, stores, bars, co-working spaces, gun ranges, et.

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