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Casteller @casteller

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

An underutilized, disenfranchised workforce. Millions of vacant jobs. Long queues outside recruiting agencies and Help Wanted signs in shop windows. We face a pressing problem that demands attention. The current system of job boards and staffing agencies simply isn't working.

And yet the future is right at our fingertips. In the palms of our hands.

What if technology was the answer? Instead of building up barrier and pay-walls, it tore them down? What if we could enable those those that created opportunities, and those that fulfilled them, to connect directly instead? What if we did so without charging them per post, or 25% of the worker's paycheck?

What if Casteller already existed?

At Casteller, we are building a platform for the future - where businesses and workers can connect with each other directly. Together we will create opportunities, connections, jobs and wealth. Together, we will rise.

Welcome to the future. Welcome to Casteller.

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