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ChinaUScommerce @chinauscommerce-1

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

Business Solutions
US Department of Commerce reports that the 2009 US-China trade amount reached 331 billion U.S. dollars, but 82% was exported from China to the U.S. US exported only account for 18% of the total trading amount. The trade unbalance is huge. So there is a big room for US goods to export to China.

ChinaUScommerce.com is country-to-country next-generation E-commerce 2.0 company that links two biggest markets in the world –China market and US Market together. It offers business-to-business solutions to China and US small and medium sized companies by enabling them to trade directly with each other and to find business partners efficiently through our platform
 Our mission is to help US and the world to export to China.


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