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Cockroach Labs @cockroach-labs

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

Advancing Women Executives (AWE) is a business services start-up with the mission to increase the number of women in executive management and on corporate boards to improve the global economy. AWE provides VP-level and above corporate executives with professional development services including training, executive/career coaching, events, and networking opportunities. AWE currently works with corporate executives at companies based in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York. We have over 500 members who come from over 100 Fortune 500 companies, including Salesforce.com, Google, HP, Cisco, Oracle, Getty Images, Allstate, Tiffany & Co., American Express, L’Oreal, Marc Jacobs International, TiVO, Netflix, Disney, VMware, Bank of America, Conde Nast and Pfizer. AWE’s headquarters are in Los Angeles, CA.

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