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DeansList @deanslist

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

DeansList manages student information for the modern school. Unlike current tools, DeansList goes way beyond grades and focuses on non-academic data- communication with families, office visits, behavior, homework, absenteeism, and much more. This data provides insight into critical "social-emotional" skills that prepare students for college and real-life.

DeansList solves a huge collaboration problem in schools. The average teacher sees over 100 kids every day - and they're isolated in their classroom making conferencing on every kid incredibly difficult. DeansList keeps everyone up-to-speed via e-mail and text alerts, and dashboards that paint complete pictures of every student's strengths and weaknesses.

DeansList helps schools change outcomes in low-income communities nationwide. For these students, a strong social-emotional education can be the key to breaking down an achievement gap that holds back millions of students that lack an economic advantage.September 2012125,000 total127% growth yr/yr55,000 total12 26 117% growth yr/yrDeansList reaches new schools via an aggressive sales pipeline and via our reputation for providing schools with world-class tailored software. DeansList also works closely with school culture consultants who love that DeansList provides schools with metrics to evaluate progress in improving non-academic performance. DeansList targets individual schools and districts. DeansList also works closely with several leading Charter Management Organizations (CMOs) and is growing with the success of these educaiton innovators.

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