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Deeplink @deeplink

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

Deeplink (www.deeplink.me) is the largest independent deep linking platform for native apps. Deeplink allows app developers to link to specific pages inside their app across all platforms with a single URL.

For example, open this link on your phone and desktop and notice the different behaviour: http://www.deeplink.me/twitter.com/deeplinkme

Apps like Candy Crush, JackThreads and Shazam are using Deeplinks to drive app interactions in:
- email marketing
- social media
- share buttons

The platform also features native app retargeting, which allows app developers to target their existing users with a personally relevant dynamic ad creative, and bring them back to pages in their app, to drive a conversion.

We've built the link infrastructure for the native web (and loved all the glory that comes with it), and in the process, allowed thousands of app developers to link into their apps.

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