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DojoMojo @dojomojo-1

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

DojoMojo makes it easy for brands to grow their email lists, increase social engagement and generate sales through sweepstakes partnerships. At its heart the DojoMojo team is passionate about helping our customers build high quality audiences and high intent leads at exponentially more cost effective levels than traditional paid channels.

We help brands find the ideal partners for a sweepstakes, make it easy to build beautiful landing pages, direct traffic directly into acquisition funnels and analyze all of the performance with comprehensive analytics so every sweepstakes a brand partakes in improves over time.
March 2016Since the start of the closed alpha a few months ago, DojoMojo has fielded hundreds of brand requests to use our software, made up of almost entirely inbound requests fueled through positive word of mouth. DojoMojo now has nearly a thousand brands in its ecosystem. The viral nature of the platform, where brands can invite other brands to participate in and host sweepstakes, has created a "network effect" and to date, entirely organic growth.

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