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Empress Capital @empress-capital

Startup, New York, NY –   employees

About Empress Capital: We invest in early stage companies that are targeting female consumption.

Female Economy is Huge: According, to a report by the Harvard Business Review: Women represent a lion’s share of consumer spending, controlling 85% of overall consumer spending in the US alone.

Women Generate Solid Returns: A report developed by Quantopian was reported by Fortune Magazine and showed that the 80 women CEOs during those 12 years produced equity returns 226% better than the S&P 500.

BUT ...There is a Funding Gap: The Wall Street Journal recently reported that nearly 17% of New York City companies receiving venture capital investments in 3 Q 15 were founded by women. But those startups received $122 million out of $1.4 billion in total funds, less than 9 percent.

Empress Capital will seize this opportunity and identify strong businesses with the propensity to succeed.

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