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Entreprenavel @entreprenavel

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

We provide travel hosting, growth hacking, and promotional partnerships for entrepreneurs and artists.
Here is how hosting works. If you are a musician from California, you may not be familiar with venues, studios, and music networks in Washington, D.C. What do you do if you want to work in Washington? Simple, you sign up on Entreprenavel to stay with another musician who can show you the ropes. Your host can connect you with gigs, help you form promotional partnerships, and introduce you to potential collaborators. Community-connected hosts help entrepreneurs and artists tap into new markets by introducing them to the right people.
For entrepreneurs considering frontier markets, venture travel provides a platform to execute market research and infrastructure establishment. These processes are particularly important if you are working in foreign countries or serving low-income populations. Venture travel works well for entrepreneurs who are looking to dirty their boots on the ground.

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