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EPR National @epr-national

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

EPR National is a website that will allow U.S employers to evaluate their employee's performance based on several factors. They will also be able to upload incident reports (Negative or Positive). These evaluations will be used to create an employee worthiness score. (think credit score) This employee score will allow other employers to make a well informed decision when hiring an employee. The negative and positive reports will not effect the employee score but can act as a reference for the employers.
Our customers will be employers and employee in the United States. EPR National will act as a database for all employers who are looking to hire new employees.
Benefits to employers
* Increase productivity
* Increase employee retention rate
* Increase customer service
* Simplified hiring process (No more resumes and reference checks)
* Save time and money (No more wasting time training new staff or money paying for online job platforms)

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