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FINDMINE @findmine

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

FINDMINE is an award-winning automation technology for retailers to scale the currently manual and tedious process of product curation (e.g., creating outfits, sets of furniture & decor, compatible electronics, ingredients for recipes) on ecommerce and in stores. Our first product "Completes the Look" around every product in fashion retailers' inventory. Customers include billion dollar brands, womenswear retailers, and high-fashion leaders like John Varvatos, for whom FINDMINE has increased conversion and AOV by up to 100%. Our team has experience not only launching apps and websites that millions of people use, but also deep in the retail industry.

Awards won: Techweek Launch NYC (Winner, $50K), Columbia University's Startup Competition (2nd place, $15K), Capital Championship (Philadelphia winner), and Fung Global Retail & Technology's Breakfast with the Disruptors (Winner, $2.5K). FINDMINE was featured by CBInsights, National Retail Federation, Alleywatch, & Retailing Today.


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