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GivDapps @givdapps

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

We found that there was a layer of friction and lack of transparency in the charitable market. These layers were blocking the true value of the donation space. So we started GivDapps

Create a frictionless, transparent, community based charitable donation platform.

Competitive Advantage
We have made a platform for the transparency of the charitable giving to shine through using mobile platforms we have the easiest most frictionless way of giving.

All data has shown the mobile app marketplace has been getting larger and taking share of the web. We found it odd that the mobile app marketplace has not been used for the charitable donation space.
GivDapps a non-profit organization that help individuals and families in need by telling their stories and allowing for a frictionless method of donation.

We are all about community.

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