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Give Lively @give-lively

Startup, New York, NY – 1/10/2017 employees

Give Lively is an incubator of digital products for social good. Our mission is to make philanthropy a more regular and rewarding part of life by creating easy-to-use apps, websites and services that enable people to "give better". We're eager to bring aboard people with great ideas, who solve problems, who are driven to a philanthropic mission, and who have the skills to iterate on products with purpose.

We're a fully funded organization not worried about whether we're going to exist in the next 6 months. That gives us great flexibility to experiment in unique and interesting ways. Our current products include: an iPhone app called Small Token - a new way to send a gift to your friends by donating to a nonprofit on their behalf (www.smalltoken.org) and SwearJar, a Slack bot that converts colorful language and buzzword-speak to small charitable donations on your company's behalf (www.getswearjar.com).

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