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Grabz @grabz

Startup, New York, NY –   employees

Grabz’s mission is to prevent the wasting of products in local communities; by connecting merchants to consumers on a platform that will facilitate sales of products at below market price.

Grabz will create a wholesale food marketplace (WFM) a marketplace for wholesale food sellers and buyers to search for review terms, purchase and schedule delivery of fresh and expiring wholesale food products. The marketplace makes it easy for food producers, wholesalers, retailers and other wholesale food consumers (e.g. farms, wholesale food distributors, retail supermarkets, restaurants, municipalities, food banks, etc) to buy and sell food.

We will create a secondary market of products selling at lower prices to get rid of inventory that would have been thrown away, and generate revenue at the same time. These businesses will have an avenue to sell their excess inventory. We believe this marketplace can save a lot of wasted food while improving profitability for participating businesses

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