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HypeScreen @hypescreen

Startup, New York, NY

Due to a successful beta period, and initial interest from potential investors, we are putting together a team to build a 2.0 version of the HypeScreen platform, with the goal of attaining additional seed funding.

What is HypeScreen?

TV is moving online so media companies are making huge investments into online video content. Particularly, a lot of episodic content is being made, shows. These shows can be found on a subscription platform like Netflix, or out on the web, like YouTube.

Problem? There are a number of platforms organizing and curating the subscription stuff, but nothing out there curating the thousands of shows being made on the web. Enter HypeScreen.

HypeScreen aggregates the many web shows out there on the net, and makes them easier to find, easier to see what other people are watching, and to easier to track your favorites.

It's a new "TV Guide" for the internet. It's the future of finding what to watch.

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