

Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer
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Timeline for Sketch Plugin

#AnimaApp #Animation #Sketch #Plugins
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Unleash your creativity. Create GIFs & Videos directly from Sketch.
Pre-Sale continues with 25% off until official release in March. Timeline price will be $79 when we launch.

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  • 100% Money back in case of no release
  • 25% OFF Official price (1 year)
  • License includes a year’s worth of updates
  • Expected Release March - 2018
Our products are being used & loved by designers at Apple, Facebook, Google, MailChimp, Starbucks, Shopify, Amazon, Disney Netflix, Trip Advisor and a lot more.

Our goal at anima is to empower designers with powerful visual tools.
Amongst our products you can find Auto-Layout for Sketch and Launchpad for Sketch.

Auto-Layout pioneered responsive design without coding, empowering designers to better express their ideas into live designs.
Launchpad is the first Sketch to live website solution, that enables designers to pubish real websites without the need of coding or hiring developers.

With Timeline, we are aiming to allow designers to create beautiful animations with ease.

If you believe that given the right tools you can achieve much more, support this project and join the movement.

Example animations created with Timeline

To Pre-Order Timeline click "Pay Now" below.

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Timeline for sketch by animaapp

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