
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Productboard: Product Management Software

#ProductManagement #Tools #Feedback #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch Plugins Directory

  • 100 Shapesum, by markaleksanderh: Lorem Ipsum Sketch plugin based on 100 Shapes tone of voice.
  • 2o3t Tools, by Zyao89: Easy Tools, batch rename layers and artboards, etc.
  • 6Spiral, by Matej Marjanovic: 6Spiral is a sketch plugin to draw spiral shapes (archimedean and logarithmic spirals) and it also allows you to convert the 2D spirals into 3D-like helix shapes at a specified isometric angle.
  • Abstract, by Abstract: Abstract is a file management and version control tool for Sketch files
  • Acl Sketch Plugin, by Duy Luong: Internal tool for Anduin Design Team
  • Add Colors to Palette, by johnmcclumpha: Quickly and easily add colors from the fills of selected layers in a Sketch file to the document palette.
  • Add Selected Colors, by Jorge Martins: Add selected colors to document palette, sketch plugin
  • Add Trailing Space, by tgfjt: add trailing space into selected text layers
  • adjustToFit, by andyault: A quick Sketch plugin to resize text layers, groups, and artboards to fit their content. Also supports nested resizing.
  • Advanced Responsive Images Default, by Romain Lefort: Generate default images according to the sizes given.
  • AEFlowchart, by Marko Tadić: Flowchart diagram plugin for Bohemian Coding Sketch app.
  • AEIconizer, by Marko Tadić: iOS icon generator plugin for Bohemian Coding Sketch app.
  • AEUX, by Battle Axe: Transfer layer to After Effects
  • Airtabledata, by Rutger Willems: Use your Airtable data in your Sketch symbols
  • Alembic, by Awkward: A Sketch plugin to extract a color palette from any layer that contains bitmap data.
  • Align and Resize To Layout, by Kevin: Align and resize layers to your layout in Sketch
  • Align Artboards and Symbols, by Richard Gazdik: Group and align your Sketch symbols and artboards by name.
  • Align Text Baseline, by Soutaro Matsumoto: Align text layer vertically based on its baseline and cap height.
  • Align To, by Lucien Lee: Sketch 3 plugin that align layers relative to more options.
  • Align To Padding, by Jonathan Tran: Align layers in a group with padding applied
  • Android Res Export, by Ashung Hung: Export Android resouces in Sketch, include PNG assets, app icon, nine-patch image and vector drawable.
  • Android Screenshot, by Sylvain Leris: A Sketch plugin to take screenshots of Android device connected over USB.
  • Angle, by MengTo: Apply perspective transforms on screen mockups. Auto-detect screens by resolution and works on shapes and symbols. Super fast.
  • Anima, by Anima Team: Create High-Fidelity Prototypes and Export to HTML.
  • Annotations, by Baguette Engineering: Hide/show layer groups named 'Annotations'.
  • Anto, by CanisMinor: Sketch tools for AFUX
  • Appalette, by Carlos Navarro: A Sketch plugin that let you find the color palette of (almost) any App.
  • areanow, by norman-woz: Get the total area of selected rectangle layers.
  • arrowfy, by Jocelyn Lin: Add simple arrowhead to end of selected paths. Matches color and weight.
  • Artboard History, by Jan Schneider: A Sketch plugin to switch faster between your latest artboards.
  • Artboard Manager, by Ale Muñoz: Because moving artboards manually is so 2016.
  • Artboard Presets for Social Media Images, by herrhelms: This is a Plugin for Sketch App that adds artboard presets for the most common image dimensions of different social media platforms.
  • Artboard Tools, by Frank Kolodziej: Sketch.app plugins for arranging artboards and navigating between artboards.
  • Artboard Tricks, by Roman Nurik: Artboard Tricks plugin for Sketch
  • Artboards Explorer, by Nicolas Collard: Add utility functionnalities to Sketch's artboards
  • Artboards to PDF, by Andrew Fiorillo: Sketch plugin to export artboards to PDF slideshow, from either the current page or from all pages
  • Artboardzoom, by Mikko Tapionlinna: "Zoom" to currently selected Artboard.
  • Assistant, by Jordan Singer: Talk to Sketch
  • Auto Layout, by Anima Team: Responsive design inside Sketch. Design for all screen sizes on one artboard.
  • Auto PDF Exporter nSlicer, by KhY: A Sketch Plugin to auto-export all '[S]' Prefix artboards to a single pdf.
  • AutoFixiOSTextLineHeight, by youngxkk: Auto Fix iOS Text Line Height, so that the font restoration degree of iOS design draft reaches 100%.
  • Automate Sketch, by Ashung Hung: Make Sketch more efficient. A lot of useful plugins in one.
  • Avocode Sketch Plugin, by Avocode Inc.: Sync Sketch designs to Avocode.
  • Awesome Image Compressor, by Naoya Watanabe: Compress exported image assets
  • Bacon Ipsum, by zcallan: A simple & easy Bacon Ipsum text generator for Sketch.
  • BaseAlign, by Aby Nimbalkar: A Sketch Plugin to align Text Layers by their baselines
  • Batch Create Symbols, by Paul Demers: A plugin for Sketch to convert selected layers to individual symbols.
  • Better Paste, by Ken Moore: Paste like it was meant to be--into the artboard you're viewing.
  • Better Shadow, by JJ Ying: Quickly generate multi-layered shadow to mimic non-linear decay.
  • betterTypePanel, by Kevin Gutowski: A sketch plugin to help manage common OpenType properties
  • BillUI, by Carl Albertsson & Simon Takman: Interactive artificial evolutionary tool in order to help you come up with design suggestions that are similar to your initial design.
  • Blender, by bunnieabc: A sketch plugin to create awesome gradient layers
  • Blur Artboard, by Duan: Add blur effect to artboards for testing visual hierarchy easily in your design process.
  • Bold It, by ysjn: Bold-it is a super simple plugin that bolds user-specified keyword in selected text layers.
  • Bonsai Standards, by Hui Zheng: Update all the colors in an artboard to the latest Bonsai colors.
  • Bootstrap Grid, by Vitaliy Kirenkov: Sketch plugin inserts correct bootstrap grid in nested blocks.
  • Bootstrap Helpers, by Konstantin Demblin: A plugin to help working with bootstrap grids and grids in general. It allows to create (Bootstrap) grids and align and de-/increase width of layers accordingly.
  • Bound with Box, by Lewis Howles: Draws a rectangle of the same size, shape and position as the selected layer, with possible padding.
  • Brandfolder, by brandfolder: Easily use your digital assets from Brandfolder right within your favorite platform for digital design!
  • BRData, by Jônathas Souza: Gerador de dados contextualizados com a realidade brasileira.
  • Browser Preview, by Lukas Oppermann: Quickly preview an artboard in your browser.
  • Butter, by Peter Berrecloth: Butter will butt your layers together.
  • Bztone Plugin, by wangjunwangjunwang: switch layers of sketch to pixi.json
  • Caravel, by CaravelDesign: Export your artboards directly to Caravel projects.
  • Case Converter, by Özgür Güneş: Convert text layers, symbols or all instances of a symbol.
  • Chain, by Lalo Mrtnz: Dynamic color relations in Sketch.
  • Character Count, by Andrew Fiorillo: Sketch plugin to count number of characters in a text layer
  • charapara, by kd-co: Charapara, an initiative by Kerala Designers Collaborative (KDCo), is a dummy text generator for Malayalam
  • chart, by Pavel Kuligin: Create the most popular types of charts by real or random data
  • Check Contrast, by Michael Le: Allows you to select layers in Sketch and get realtime feedback about the contrast ratio
  • chemofill, by Alexander Hadik: A Chemical Structure data supplier plugin.
  • Chippen Charts, by Martin von Lupin: Bar chart creator for your mockups using random data. Change the size of selected rectangles. Works for both horizontal and vertical bar charts. Made with love in Chippendale.
  • Chromata, by Vladimir Ionița: Find rogue colors
  • Chromatic Sketch, by Petter Nilsson: Create good-looking and perceptually uniform gradients and color scales.
  • Clean Up SF UI Type, by Joshua Dickens: Sketch Plugin to clean up SF UI fonts character spacing & normalize text & display variants.
  • Cleanup Useless Groups, by Ale Muñoz: A Sketch plugin that cleans up your layer list by removing empty groups and flattening deeply nested groups.
  • Clear Export Options, by Emre C. Coskun (EMRECC): Clear export options for all elements on all pages in a Sketch file.
  • Click Dummy, by Raureif: Export simple HTML click dummies to prototype interactivity. Just draw rectangles to create links between artboards.
  • Click Thru Prototype, by Mark Horgan: Generates a HTML click-through prototype of your responsive website design.
  • Clipboard Fill, by Scott Savarie: Sketch plugin to paste an image from your clipboard as the fill for any shape
  • Clipboard to Tilled Fill, by midiway: Allows you to copy a image file from Finder (PNG, JPG) and set it as tilled fill of selected shape(s).
  • Color Contrast Analyser, by Florian Schulz: A Sketch plugin that calculates the color contrast of two selected layers and evaluates it against the WCAG2.0.
  • Color Copier, by Michael Fouquet: Sketch Plugin to quickly copy color RGB/HEX values.
  • Color Locator, by Adria Navarro: Find all instances of a HEX color
  • Color Swatcher, by akiersky: A Sketch plugin to analyze document colors and show the WCAG color contrast value.
  • ColorBrightness, by Andrey Anashkin: Color Brightness sketch plugin
  • Colormate, by The Main Ingredient: Colormate is a kickass sketch plugin that will help you figure out how in the hell you ended up with 457 different greys, instead of the 1 grey Mandy gave you in the handover. Oops 😳
  • ColorSpark for Sketch, by Luke Johnson: A simple tool to help designers discover unique colors and gradients directly in Sketch.
  • Comma, by Margus Holland: Sketch plugin for text modifications
  • Compo, by Roman Shamin: Makes it easier to work with interface components in Sketch
  • Composite SVG, by Alan Francis: A Sketch plugin to create a composite SVG file from sketch artboards
  • Connection Flow Arrows, by Farid Sabitov: Plugin for generating easy to use connection flow arrows in Sketch
  • Content Generator, by Timur Carpeev: Sketch app plugin for generating dummy data such as avatars, names, photos, geo data etc.
  • Context, by Afnizar Nur Ghifari: Count character, words, and paragraphs from a text layer easily inside Sketch!
  • Context for Sketch, by @dannyow: Add to your document pins linking to prototypes, inspirations, examples or anything else on the web.
  • Contrast, by Roman Nurik: A Sketch plugin to show a pass/fail type contrast report.
  • Convert To Grayscale, by Misha: A simple Sketch plugin to convert selected shapes to grayscale colors
  • CoolHue, by Webkul, Nitish Khagwal: Coolest handpicked Gradient Palette for super amazing stuff
  • Copy & Paste Shadows, by Ryan Johnson: Copy & paste only shadow styles from layers without others styles getting in the way.
  • Copy as React Component (jsx), by Jason Donnette: Generate a React components from Sketch with a keyboard shortcut
  • Copy Framer Code, by Giles Perry: A Sketch plugin that copies any selected layer to the clipboard as code that can be pasted straight into a Framer prototype.
  • Copy Paste Position & Size, by ANGI studio: A Sketch plugin that lets you easily copy & paste width, height, x & y values from and to objects
  • Copy Swift Code, by Atsushi NAGASE: A Sketch Plugin for generating UIColor and NSColor initializer Swift code from fill color of selected layers.
  • Copy Paste Shadows, by iarthstar: Plugin to copy paste shadows across layers
  • CopyColor, by Poyi: Plugin that provides shortcut to copy layer fill color, border color, or text color to your clipboard for Sketch 4
  • Cracker9 Sketch Plugin, by Cracker9: cracker9 codesnippet sketch plugin
  • Create New Styles, by Jonathan Tran: A Sketch plugin to create multiple layer styles or text styles
  • CSSketch, by John Coates: CSS Stylesheet integration to improve your workflow, with Less support. Attach once, updates your design automatically on stylesheet changes.
  • Csv Mail Merge, by JD Wolk: A lightweight Sketch plugin for importing data from .csv files using "{}" text sections.
  • Custom Zoom, by Alexander Käßner: Zoom your document to a custom zoom level.
  • Dapollo, by Alipay Design: Design and Development Platform(一站式设计开发工作台)
  • Datazier Lens, by Victor Enriquez: Inspect and sort your local font book
  • davinci_vip, by D2C: dvc
  • DeepSelect, by fhuel: A quick and easy way to select layers inside a group, filtering by layer type
  • Design Systems, by Ashung Hung: Help you find out popular design systems and download official Sketch UI kit.
  • Design Token Exporter, by Herkko Huttunen: Simple Design Token Exporter
  • DesignToken2Code, by m-yoshiro: Convert design tokens to SCSS variables as code
  • Disconnector, by Nathan Crowther: Quickly disconnect all symbols from a selection
  • Diverse UI Sketch Plugin, by Renée Padgham: The official Sketch plugin for Diverse UI.
  • Dockpreview, by Christian Petersen: A Sketch plugin that lets you preview your current artboard in the Dock.
  • Drafta, by Fragment: Export designs directly to Drafta
  • Drake, by Sean Coker: Sketch app plugin for generating dummy Drake content such as photos and lyrics.
  • Draw and Render, by nichenqin: A plugin to render canvas to sketch
  • Dribbble, by Dribbble Holdings Ltd.: Share your creative process directly to the Dribbble community from within Sketch.
  • Droplr, by jimboroberts: Droplr for Sketch lets designers quickly and easily share their Artboards
  • DS Automator Sketch Plugin, by Pavel Neznanov: Tools for automating designer work
  • Duplicate to New Artboard, by Delighted Inc.: Sketch plugin to duplicate the current selection(s) to new artboard(s).
  • Duplicator, by Andrey Shakhmin: A Sketch 3 plugin that takes the currently selected layers and copies them one or multiple times in a specified direction.
  • Efficiency, by Andrew Shapiro: Set of plugins for efficient work: change text linespacing and leading via keyboard, random sizing and random positioning of selected items, keep only text layers in selection.
  • Egmont Plugin, by Interface.Market: Sketch plugin for create squircle shapes.
  • Elevation Shadows, by Yiting Liu: A Sketch Plugin to apply consistent Elevation Shadows
  • Emoji Autocomplete Sketch Plugin, by Zeplin: While editing Sketch text layers, type “:” followed by the first few letters to autocomplete emojis. 🍒
  • English and Persian Lorem Ipsum, by Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi: A Sketch extension to generate english and persian lorem ipsum text.
  • Envato Elements, by envato: Envato Elements Sketch plugin makes it easy to import a select range of Web and Mobile UI Kits from Envato Elements!
  • Escriba, by Pablo Sanchez Soler: Sketch plugin to copy paste symbol overrides
  • Event Badges By David, by davidlee: A Sketch plugin to make a large quantity of name tags for any kind of events
  • Excel Content Sync, by Wouter Bron:
  • Export for Replia, by Kazuya Hirobe: Sketch Plugins to export selected artboard or layers for Replia.
  • Export More, by Nathan Rutzky: Sketch.app plugin for exporting ICNS and GIFs
  • Export Symbols, by Mike Mariano: Sketch Plugins
  • Export to Indigo, by Indigo Studio: Generate Indigo Studio projects from your artboards to create interactive, animated prototypes. Get real user feedback through included usability studies with video replays.
  • Export to Proto.io, by Proto.io: Give life to your Sketch designs! Export all or selected artboards to Proto.io screens, preserving layer positioning and hierarchy. By exporting to Proto.io you can link screens together, add interactions and animations.
  • Fake Chinese Name for Sketch, by JJ Ying: Generate Chinese names for text layers.
  • Fast Text Transfer, by Jesper Bentzen: Lightning fast copying, pasting and swapping text.
  • File Cleaner, by Monzo: Keep your Sketch files immaculately clean and in order.
  • Find And Replace, by Martin Steven. Maintained by Thierry Charbonnel: Sketch 3 plugin to do a simple find and replace on text within layers
  • Fit to Parent, by dannymcclain:
  • Fix Sketch Trackpad Speed, by Pravdomil: Speed up your scrolling across all artboards
  • Flatten Plugin for Sketch, by Emin İnanç Ünlü: Flatten single or multiple layers instantly, create shared artboard styles, keep them all updated like a boss and boost your Sketch document performance.
  • FlipSize, by Jakub Juszczak: Flip the size of any artboard or shape
  • Flow Exporter, by Roman Nurik: A Sketch plugin that exports prototype flows built with Sketch 49+ to HTML.
  • Flowmate, by Sanghun Woo: Sketch Plugin to draw flowchart and diagram
  • Fluid for Sketch, by Matt Curtis: Fluid is a Sketch plugin that provides a means to create more constraint-based, responsive designs. It is based on Auto Layout constraints.
  • Font Buddy, by Anima Team: Install missing fonts & free fonts directly from Sketch.
  • Font Mixer, by littlebusters: Plugin can apply other fonts for each character type of Text Layer.
  • Font Packer, by Big XiXi: A Sketch plugin to collect font files you used in your sketch file.
  • FontFinder, by Tatsuya Uchida: Sketch Plugin to find and select font items in a current page
  • Fontily, by partyka1: Sketch plugin for finding & replacing fonts for Sketch 3+
  • foodreau, by Max David: Data supplier plugin for populating designs with real food recipes.
  • Foreign Ipsum, by Braxton Huff: Generate text for your mockups in multiple languages 🗺
  • Format Symbol Names, by Giles Perry: A Sketch plugin to nicely format the names of all artboards or symbol masters on the current page
  • Formr, by Alexander Katin: Helps to maintain simple proportions of layers and artboards
  • Framer Inventory 2.0 for Sketch, by Timur Nurutdinov: Sketch plugin to generate FramerJS prototypes. Just have your motion done.
  • Freeman Finchart Sketchplugin, by freeman990: Draw financial chart like candle-stick or line chart like a boss.
  • French Typography, by Saint-loup: Sketch plugin to automatically add typographic french conventions and non-breaking spaces
  • Frontify Plugin, by Frontify: Connecting your brand and design worlds
  • FusionCool, by wwsun: Plugin to using resources of Fusion Design.
  • GGradient, by andex: Simple way to create perfect gradient
  • giancartboard, by Matteo Vacca: Sketch plugin to export artboards in folders automatically numbered
  • Gifmock For Sketch, by Steven Fabre: Easily create GIFs from your mocks
  • Git Sketch Plugin, by Mathieu Dutour: A Git client generating pretty diffs built right into Sketch.
  • GluePrint, by mathieudutour: Open the selected layer in GluePrint with a single click
  • Golden Ratio Line Height, by Lorenz Wöhr: Optimize your typography based on font size, line-height and width.
  • Google Sheets Content Sync, by David Williames: Edit and collaborate on your content in Google Sheets, then sync in back to your sketch files.
  • Grid Layer, by Jonathan Tran: Create columns or gutters as layers. Useful if you need a grid on a component level.
  • Gridy, by Oleg Frolov: An easy way creating guidelines
  • GuideGuide, by Cameron McEfee: Quickly and easily create grids and manipulate guides with a consistent UI in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Sketch
  • Gutter Cutter, by Gabriele Campi: A Sketch plugin to create custom grids with guides
  • Handy Menu, by Sergey Dmitriev: Gives quick access to your plugins through context menu
  • HSL Color Picker, by Ashung Hung: HSL Color Picker for Sketch
  • Hubble Sketch Plugin, by inthepocket: A Sketch plugin to extract assets and primitives and send them to Hubble.app
  • I Want Apple System Font, by usagimaru: A Sketch plugin for applying Apple system font to text layers. (For Japanese designers.)
  • Iban Generator, by idix: Generate random International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN)
  • Icon Tools, by Oscar Oto: Sketch.app plugin to clean icons and to prepare them for a clean export without tints and masks.
  • Icondrop, by Iconscout: Get access to 300,000+ icons right into Sketch App
  • IconFlower, by Avadh: Arrange icons, images and shapes in Phyllotaxis ( leaf arrangement) patterns. Leaf arrangement pattern in a sunflower, for example.
  • Iconify, by Vjacheslav Trushkin: Iconify integration. Import MDI, FontAwesome, Jam, EmojiOne and many other icons to Sketch document.
  • ImageCodeExporter, by funfungo: A Plugin that export your sketch layer for code usage
  • ImageExtractorSketch, by Mendy Seldowitz: Extract background fill image in Sketch
  • ImageOptim Sketch Plugin, by ImageOptim: ImageOptim plugin for the Sketch app
  • imgcook, by Taobao FED: imgcook sketch plugin
  • Import SVG as Artboards, by mathieudutour: Import SVG files as Artboards.
  • Import Colors, by Ashung: Import colors from swatches file to Sketch.
  • Indigo.Design, by Infragistics: Create, edit, and apply themes to your Indigo.Design UI Kit based designs and publish them as prototypes to the Indigo.Design cloud.
  • Inker8, by Zack Young: A spec exporter for Sketch which can copy text/css/svg icons with only one click.
  • Install Library Bundle, by Ale Muñoz: Installs a bunch of shared Sketch Libraries at once, because life is too short for clicking links.
  • Instance Locator, by Derek Nguyen: Locate instances of a selected symbol and navigate to them, anywhere in the doc.
  • Inter UI Character Spacing, by Michael Nissen: Package to correct the character spacing for the InterUI font in Sketch
  • iosViews, by Andrew Charkin: Sketch Plugin to generate iOS view code
  • Jane Doe, by Konstantin Demblin: This Sketch Data plugin adds localized profile names (powered by uinames.com) to your design. - Get diversity into your content.
  • jerryipsum, by Vince Angeloni: A Seinfeld data plugin for Sketch.
  • Justinmind Sketch, by Justinmind: You can export artboards, layers and pages you’ve made in Sketch to Justinmind and turn them into interactive shareable prototypes.
  • keyColor, by Kevin Gutowski: A Sketch plugin to apply colors via the keyboard.
  • Keygaroo, by IxCO: Keygaroo helps you learn keyboard shortcuts for the actions you use the most.
  • Kitchen, by Ant-Design: Make your design work delicious 🍽
  • Kopie, by Kopie: The copy editing tool for web and product design
  • Label Layers, by Jonathan Tran: A Sketch plugin that labels selected layers
  • labelizING, by Maxime Peeters: Extract, replace and download labels from sketch file
  • Laboji, by Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi: A sketch plugin for adding emoji on layer name like colorful labels or tags.
  • LaTeX Sketch Plugin, by heytitle: This plugin brings LaTeX functionalities to Sketch, and allows us to directly write mathematical formulas
  • Launchpad, by Anima Team: Export your Sketch design into HTML website.
  • Layer Renamer, by Leonard Pauli: Find or rename multiple layers at once using RegEx and flags in Sketch (v.45 tested)
  • Layer Styles Manager, by Jaer Pollux: A fast and easy way to manage all your layer styles. No more hassle with long and complex style names, or renaming tons of styles because you misspelled a folder name.
  • Lazy Styles Generator, by Adam Bruzon: Generate shared layer and text styles using the name of the selected layer as the name of the generated style.
  • lazyboards, by Adam Bruzon: Artboard tools to help you with tedious batch tasks.
  • Library Replacer, by Sketch: Quickly replace instances of shared Symbols and Styles.
  • Library Symbol Replacer, by zeroheight: Sketch plugin to replace symbols in an existing documents with library symbols 💎 📚
  • Library Audit, by Colby Grenier: Export Symbol and Shared Style data from any Sketch Library to CSV.
  • Lightwire, by Alex & Matt: Plugin with ready-to-use wireframes that help you to bring your ideas to life fast and easy. You can find necessary wireframes using categories or search.
  • Logo Fetcher, by Tobi Kremer: Place logos from either the Logos API (SVG format) or Clearbit API (PNG format)
  • Logodrop, by Iconscout: A Sketch Plugin to get brand logos right into Sketch App.
  • Looper, by Sures Kumar: Looper helps automate duplication of groups and layers. One can control properties like Rotate, Scale and Opacity while duplicating. This powerful combination enables artists and designers to create interesting geometric and organic patterns.
  • Loose!, by Trev Wolf: Turn your lines into arrows
  • Lottie Sketch Export, by Brandon Withrow: Native Sketch plugin for exporting Artboards and Symbols into Lottie JSON
  • Magic Mirror, by James Tang: Perspective Transformation for Sketch Artboards
  • MagicPresenter, by jamztang: Sketch Plugin to Present Slides or Deck directly in Sketch 3
  • Mail Merge, by Robert Clarke: Sketch plugin that allows you to duplicate a layer/artboard and replace text with CSV data.
  • Map Creator for Sketch, by Terence Wu: Plugin to visually create static map(BaiduMap, MapBox, GoogleMap) with custom options, and location search is available now
  • Marketch, by tudou527: Marketch is a Sketch 3 plug-in for automatically generating html page that can measure and get CSS styles on it.
  • Material Design Color Palette, by t32k: Sketch app plugin for displaying Google material design color palette.
  • Material Plugin, by Google: Create, customize, and share your own Material theme. Includes Material Theme Editor, plus upload and sync to Gallery.
  • Merge Duplicate Symbols, by Oscar Oto: Sketch.app plugin to merge symbols with the same name.
  • Method, by KikeSz: Tool to apply your methodology systems
  • Miaow, by Tencent WeChat Team: A set of plugins for Sketch include drawing links & marks, UI Kit & Color sync, font & text replacing.
  • Miro Plugin for Sketch, by Miro (formerly RealtimeBoard): Add, share and discuss your Sketch artboards with the team in Miro (formerly RealtimeBoard). The plugin allow to sync the artboards with the boards in one click
  • Mise En Place, by Carlos Madrigal: Mise En Place is a Sketch plug-in that helps you prep before you start cooking your designs.
  • MockingBot, by MockingBot: MockingBot Sketch Plugin, Your sweet Sketch companion making your handoff process more efficient than ever
  • Mockplus Idoc, by Mockplus: Generating Assets and Specs Automatically, Make Design Collaboration Easier
  • Moodboard Builder, by Reinvently: A streamlined Sketch plugin for creating moodboards quickly and easily. Just do a search, check the suitable images, and - voila - you have a beautiful moodboard. Keep inspired! 💡
  • Move To Library Sketchplugin, by Ahmed Genaidy: You can now move symbol from your project to any library and re-attach all the symbol instances to this library. also it keep the overrides without any problems and it work with abstract that have libraries not in your local machine
  • Mugsy, by jan-patrick:
  • Mupixa, by www.mupixa.com: Mupixa allows you to leverage the full potential of your prototypes by conducting usability research fast and effortlessly.
  • Notes, by Jason Cashdollar: A sketch plugin for taking notes
  • Nucleus, by levtolstoi: Plugin for create Atomic Design concept in Sketch and export scss-map for front-end
  • Nudge Corner Radius, by David Williames: Increase/decrease the corner radius of a rectangle, or path nodes — with easy keyboard shortcuts
  • Nudge Resize, by David Williames: Resize a layer horizontally and vertically from the centre with easy keyboard shortcuts
  • Nudge, Push, Shove., by Michael Fouquet: Change the big and small nudge settings right within Sketch. Plus, get access to an even bigger nudge setting.
  • Nudged, by Kevin Woodhouse: A Sketch plugin to easily edit your nudge distance settings.
  • nudgefromrtl, by Kevin Gutowski: Quickly resize a layer horizontally from right to left with keyboard shortcuts
  • Open Color Plugin for Sketch, by OpenColor: A sketch plugin to support the open color file format
  • Optically for Sketch, by Vlad Danilov: Automated and mathematically precise optical adjustments in Sketch.
  • Organize Symbols, by Mike Mariano: Sketch plugin that arranges symbol artboards
  • Overflow, by proto.io: Overflow is the world’s first user flow diagramming tool tailored for designers. It empowers designers to design, present and share beautiful user flow diagrams that tell a story.
  • Overrideit Sketchplugin, by Ahmed Genaidy: Overrideit is sketch plugin that allow designers to search in overridelist and overrides dropdowns, and with many other features.
  • Overrides Manager, by Ozgur Gunes: A Sketch plugin which makes managing overrides easier.
  • P5 Sketchplugin, by Jacopo Colò: A plugin for using p5.js code inside Sketch
  • Paddit, by Jonathan Tran: Inspired by Falkeyn's Modulizer, a Sketch plugin that adjusts a group's background to the content with padding.
  • Paddy, by David Williames: Automated padding, spacing and alignment for your Sketch layers
  • PaintCode Code Generator, by PixelCut: Convert your Sketch drawings into Swift or Objective-C
  • Palette Stripes, by Sures Kumar: Generate palette stripes in sketch from shape fills.
  • Paste Direct, by Sudev Kiyada: Design like a guitarist!
  • Perfecto-, by Pranu Sarna: A sketch plugin to round off all sub-pixel layers at once
  • PersianSupplier, by Hirad Arshadi: Sketch Plugin for supplying dynamic persian data.
  • Photo Grid, by Giles Perry: A Sketch plugin that can size layers to common photo dimensions and scale them to fit in a row.
  • Phraseapp Sketch Plugin, by PhraseApp: Sync your design content from Sketch with PhraseApp
  • PinIt, by Anthony Collurafici: A collection of Resizing Shortcuts.
  • PinLog, by Twox: A plugin that would help you note your changeLog and can help other people to find the change in sketch
  • Pixel Perfect, by Mattias Eriksson: Plugin for Sketch for handling layout and sizing of layers automatically based on their names.
  • Pixel Perfecter, by Jakub Świadek: Pixel Perfecter helps you find pixel imperfect layers in your documents.
  • Place Linked Bitmap, by Frank Kolodziej: A plugin to place external bitmap files into Sketch and update Sketch layers after external bitmaps are updated
  • Plant, by Plant: Version control for designers
  • Plot, by Jordan Singer: Collaborate with your design team in a new way
  • Plugin Reloader, by Wes Byrne: A simple plugin to reload another plugins
  • Pointbreak, by Mark Horgan: Add breakpoints to artboards so you can have mobile and desktop designs on the one artboard.
  • Polaris Telescope, by Shopify: Access Shopify Polaris from Sketch to speed up your design or development workflow
  • polyglot, by fruitfrills: Text translations
  • Presto Dom Gen, by iarthstar: Generates Presto Dom Code from Sketch Layers.
  • Primary Sync, by Primary: Sync your Sketch designs 💎 with Primary's user flows and design documents.
  • Print Export, by Sketch: Export artboards or pages to a PDF for printing
  • Prism, by Lalo Mrtnz: Creates a beautiful artboard color palette with all your 'Document Colors' and their respective color label in a variety of formats.
  • projecthuddle, by Andre Gagnon:
  • Protoship Codegen Sketch Client, by protoship: Build complex webapps from Sketch designs by generating elegant HTML & CSS that programmers can easily understand, adapt, and deploy
  • Prototypes Invision ↔︎ Sketch, by mathieudutour: Translate your prototyping links back and forth between Sketch and Invision
  • Protowire, by Mark Horgan: Adds prototyping to Sketch including transitions between screens and layer animation.
  • Prott Sketch Plugin, by Goodpatch Inc.: Sync Sketch artboards to Prott like a boss.
  • Ps Guides, by Pratik Shah: Quickly generate Guides for a selected element in Sketch
  • Pull to Center, by Delighted Inc.: Pull to center: Move selected shapes or layers toward center of artboard.
  • Puzzle Publisher, by MaxBazarov: Exports Sketch artboards into linked HTML files and publish it on external site using SFTP.
  • Puzzle Tokens, by MaxBazarov: Sketch.app plugin to apply design tokens to Sketch layers
  • Qordoba for Sketch, by Qordoba: Qordoba’s Sketch plugin allows designers to translate their mockups to other languages, making product internationalization easier.
  • Quick Export as PNG, by Richard Gazdik: Quick Export layers/artboards/symbols as PNG Plugin for Sketch.
  • Quick Presentation, by Timothy Whalin: A Sketch plugin to quickly share multiple artboards with an optional title.
  • QuickColor, by Cole Perkins: Sketch plugin that lets you quickly apply colors from the color palette to selected elements- 🎨
  • QuickTextOverride, by Dmitri Bilyk: Use a key command to target the first text override of a symbol.
  • Quopi, by Luke Finch: Fetches copy from the comments on your Abstract branch
  • Radial Lines, by herrhelms: Generate lines originating from a certain coordinate of an artboard.
  • Randomcolors, by Avadh: Sketch App Plugin For Applying Random Colors To A Selection Of Objects.
  • Relabel Button, by Ken Moore: Update a button's label and it gets resized automatically, preserving existing padding.
  • Remove All Guides, by Vadim Mikhnov: Removes all the guides from selected artboards.
  • Remove.bg, by Mathieu Dutour: Remove image background in a single click
  • Rename Instances, by Vyacheslav Dubovitsky: Tiny single-command Sketch plugin that renames every symbol instance with its master's name.
  • Rename It, by Rodrigo Soares: Keep your Sketch files organized, batch rename layers and artboards.
  • Rename Layers Based On Textstyle, by Thomas Brasington: Renames text layers in the current page based on their text style name
  • Rename Export, by Adam Thompson: Use this plugin to batch export layers with consistent filenames
  • Renamer, by Webkul, Nitish Khagwal: Select multiple layers/groups/artboards and rename all of them on the go.
  • Renamer, by Webkul, Nitish Khagwal: Select multiple layers/groups/artboards and rename all of them on the go.
  • Replace Images, by shakemno: Sketch 3 plugin to replace (as in update) existing images by name in a sketch document.
  • Reset Image Aspect Ratio, by Giles Perry: A Sketch plugin that resets the aspect ratio of selected images.
  • Resize Commands, by ANGI studio: A Sketch plugin that lets you resize and reposition objects by using simple arithmetic commands, like b+20,lr+20. Multiple objects are supported.
  • Restore Overrides, by Daniel T. Hall: A small plugin to store and restore override values before and after library updates
  • Rivet, by Brian Heston:
  • Roller by Toybox, by Jono Kolnik: Roller is the first Linter for Designers. It works just like spell-check but within your Sketch files.
  • Rotate Artboard Orientation, by Michel Milano: Rotate the orientation of an artboard - from portrait to landscape, and vice versa.
  • Rotator, by Peter Berrecloth: Rotate objects at preset amounts
  • Rough, by mathieudutour: Transform your shapes in a sketchy, scribbly, hand-drawn-like, style.
  • Save with Device Frame, by redgell: Sketch Plugin to generate pngs of artboards wrapped in a phone skin.
  • Scale All in Place, by Delighted Inc.: Scale all in place: Resize all selected shapes or layers, in place, from center.
  • ScreenFork, by ScreenFork: ScreenFork is the Sketchapp plugin that export screens and their variants based on Layer prefix
  • Scribble, by CanvasFlip Inc: Upload your designs, invite your team to edit copy in the browser and sync the changes back to your Sketch document.
  • scssketch, by TAND&M: Custom tools for living the ultimate the TAND&M life. Built with love and care by Sarah Aslanifar, Drew Vosburg, and Max Oppenheimer
  • Sd Changer, by jeongheeyeun: Converts Apple SD Gothic Neo font to SF Pro Display
  • Segmented Circle, by German Bauer: Create precise segmented circular graphics for diagrams, instrumentation and analytics.
  • Select Group Layers, by Matt McManus: Select all child layers of a group with a key command.
  • Select Parent Artboards, by Nefaur Khandker: A Sketch plugin that selects the parent artboards of the current selection
  • Select Same Symbols, by Yusuke Saitoh: Select same symbols as the currently selected symbol.
  • Select Similar Layers, by Wessley Roche: A plugin that selects layers with similar attributes to those of the layer currently selected.
  • sendTo, by Udi Gindi: Export layer as email attachment
  • Seoul, by Sunki Baek: A DataSupplier plugin
  • Separate Shapes, by Peter Strömberg: A Sketch-app plugin that does a ”boolean” separate operation on two selected shapes. Like divide in Pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Sequence Artboard Names, by Thomas Brasington: Simple sequencing of all artboards within a Sketch Document
  • Set Line Height, by Florian Schulz: Plugin that allows you to set the line height of a text layer as a multiple of the font size.
  • Set Min Max, by Jonathan Tran: This plugin will resize a layer by height or width to a base max or min value
  • Shared Style Finder, by Jason Burns: Find instances of a shared layer or text style.
  • Shared Styles Hierarchy, by Mathieu Dutour: Organize your shared styles using the layers list, create a hierarchy where children inherit properties from their parent.
  • Shared Text Styles, by Nils Hoenson: Easily import and export your Text Styles in Sketch.
  • Shutterstock, by Shutterstock, Inc.: Access Shutterstock's stunning images without leaving your workspace.
  • Single Border, by Sures Kumar: Add single borders with advanced controls.
  • SizeArtboard, by brendan miller: Sketch Plugin for wrapping a new artboard around what you've selected
  • Skatter, by Josh Djuric: A plugin with tools (currently very basic tools) to assist with creating patterns out of shapes.
  • Sketch a Sketch, by Mathieu Dutour: Bringing the iconic knobs from the famous toy to Sketch.
  • Sketch Action, by Khoa Pham: Spotlight in Sketch
  • Sketch AFUX Tools, by CanisMinor: Sketch tools for AFUX
  • Sketch Align To Grid, by Pravdomil: Let's align selection to grid
  • Sketch Artboard, by Ken Moore: Next Artboard / Previous Artboard
  • Sketch Aspect Ratio, by precious design studio: A simple plugin to apply preset or custom aspect ratios to a selected layer.
  • Sketch Auto Translate, by Friedrich Schultheiss: Plugin to translate Sketch files into via Google Translate.
  • Sketch Bounding Boxer, by precious design studio: A simple plugin to to toggle visibility of 'boundingBox' layers in a Sketch document.
  • Sketch Cats, by pravdomil: Render layers in Sketch as various images of cats
  • Sketch Codelight, by somebee: Highlight code inside Text layers in Sketch
  • Sketch Color Contrast Analyzer, by eaugustine: A Sketch plugin that calculates the color contrast of two layers and evaluates them against MCOE's guidelines.
  • Sketch Color Palette, by Kohei Tabata: A Sketch Plugin to generate .clr(Color Palette) file from selected layers.
  • Sketch Color Vars, by Phil Sinatra: A Sketch plugin that will export the fill color of selected layers to SCSS, LESS and CSS files.
  • Sketch Commands, by Ale Muñoz: A collection of script commands for Bohemian Coding's Sketch.app
  • Sketch Constraints, by Marc Bouchenoire: A plugin that integrates constraints in Sketch to lay out layers.
  • Sketch Copy Layers Styles, by Francis: Sketch plugin to copy Layers and Text styles
  • Sketch Copy Paste Layout Settings, by Francis: Copy layout settings from one artboard and paste into multiples artboards.
  • Sketch Copy Text Only, by Cristian: Sketch plugin to copy only the text from selected artboard(s) or layer(s)
  • Sketch Data Faker, by paintedbicycle: A Sketch data plugin providing data for you mockups from Faker.js
  • Sketch Data Populator, by precious design studio: A Sketch App plugin to populate your documents with meaningful data. Goodbye Lorem Ipsum. Hello JSON.
  • Sketch Data Studio, by thetylerwolf: Sketch plugin to generate charts and data for data tables.
  • Sketch DevTools, by skpm: See your plugin logs, inspect the state of Sketch documents, explore actions, and more
  • Sketch Duplicatesymbol, by Mike Mariano: Sketch plugin that creates a new symbol out of a selected symbol
  • Sketch Exchanger, by littlebusters: Convert from Sketch to JSON w/assets and JSON w/assets to Sketch.
  • Sketch Export Generator, by Kang Chen: Sketch plugin to export assets at different scale sizes
  • Sketch Export Text, by Vyacheslav Dubovitsky: Helps you to save all text data on current page in customizable format and filter the excess.
  • Sketch Find All Instances of Symbol, by Logan McAnsh: Find all instances of a symbol in Sketch
  • Sketch Focus, by Code Arrows: A new plugin for Sketch that boosts your productivity by keeping you on-task.
  • Sketch Git Pro, by xuming: Git tools for sketch.
  • Sketch Grid Master, by Vyacheslav Dubovitsky: Grid Master is a Sketch plugin that fixes long-standing bugs and adds new functionaity related on work with Grid and Layout.
  • Sketch Groupie, by Aparajita Fishman: Sketch plugin providing commands to align layers with their parent group
  • Sketch Guides, by Celyn Xie: Add Guides to edges and midpoints at once.
  • Sketch Hyphenator, by Aleksander Golmakov: Sketch plugin that hyphenates text
  • Sketch Icons, by AMoreaux: Import your icons, apply a color mask and create a dynamic icons library.
  • Sketch Iconscope, by ziven27: Wrap the Icon with a square(4n) scope.
  • Sketch Image Average Color, by Antonio J. Martinez: A plugin to save and use the average color of an image.
  • Sketch Image Compressor, by BohemianCoding: A Plugin that compresses bitmap assets, right when you export them. This Plugin requires Sketch 3.8.
  • Sketch Image Replaste, by Misha: A simple Sketch plugin for replacing images with your copied image of your clipboard.
  • Sketch iOS Bar Color Calculator, by Emin İnanç Ünlü: A Sketch plugin that calculates and applies the correct color for you to get actual design color after applying it to a translucent UIToolbar or UINavigationBar.
  • Sketch Ipsum, by Sketch: A DataSupplier plugin that fills your text layers with random Lorem Ipsum
  • Sketch Isometric, by Sures Kumar: Generate Isometric views from Artboards and Rectangles.
  • Sketch Layer Comps, by Özgür Güneş: A plugin which saves and applies layer states to create different compositions of current page.
  • Sketch Library Unlinker, by Giles Perry: Unlink symbols linked to a specific library, or unlink symbols that have been deleted in their libraries.
  • Sketch Line2rect, by Kevin van Breemaat: Replace Lines by Rectangles in Sketch
  • Sketch Make Long Shadow, by Jay Holtslander: A plugin for Sketch to create long shadows from a shape.
  • Sketch Manager Plugin, by Sketch Manager: The easiest way to manager your Symbols, Text styles and Layer styles.
  • Sketch Map Generator, by Eduardo Gómez Vásquez: Plugin to fill a layer with a map generated from a location (Powered by Google Maps)
  • Sketch Maps, by Marc Bouchenoire: A Sketch plugin that uses the Mapbox API to fill layers with specific and custom maps.
  • Sketch Marginbox, by Francis: Simple scritp to create layers as margins
  • Sketch Markup Listify, by Marisa Roque: Sketch plugin for convert and copy text layers into HTML lists.
  • Sketch Mate, by Florian Schulz: These plugins will make you best friends with Sketch.
  • Sketch Material, by Siddhartha Gudipati: Sketch material is a sketch plugin that will help you generate complex material components like tables, chips, forms etc…
  • Sketch Measure, by utom: Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates! Automatically generating html page with one click, inspect all the design details including CSS Styles on it offline.
  • Sketch Mouse Pointers, by Stuart Romanek: Add Mouse Pointers to Sketch.
  • Sketch Move Half Pixel, by Canis Minor: 🐾 Move layers half pixel
  • Sketch Name Organizer, by Canis Minor: 🖌 Rename artboards based on their x and y position; Rename layers based on their Style and Symbol.
  • Sketch Navigator, by Arshad Chummun: Artboard navigation (with autocomplete) for Sketch
  • Sketch Nearest 8, by Anthony Collurafici: Sketch Plugin to round shape size to the nearest multiple of 8
  • Sketch Number Artboards by Position, by Richard Radermacher: Sketch plugin to number artboards in order of position.
  • Sketch Paginate, by Jorge Martins: Add page numbers to artboards.
  • Sketch Palette Generator, by awkward: Output a JSON colour palette to Sketch 💎
  • Sketch Palettes, by Andrew Fiorillo: Sketch plugin that lets you save and load colors in the color picker
  • Sketch Pixel Cleanup, by Stackdevelopment: A plugin for Sketch to fix all of those partial pixels
  • Sketch Plugin Manager 🔌, by Mel Ludowise: Keeping your Sketch plugins up to date with the power of Git.
  • Sketch Plugin Monster, by Peach: A Sketch plugin for managing all plugin shortcuts.
  • Sketch Plugin Skew, by Misha: A Sketch plugin for skewing (or shearing) shapes horizontally or vertically.
  • Sketch Plugins, by Alessandro: A library of Sketch Plugins aimed towards working with horizontal/vertical grid layouts and typography.
  • Sketch Pochette, by Zeh Fernandes: A Sketch plugin that lets you carry your most used properties close to your mouse
  • Sketch Preview, by Marc Schwieterman: This Sketch plugin provides a preview command (⌘P) that will open a specially named slice in Skala Preview. The plugin works by exporting the first slice named Preview to Sketch's cache directory and opening that file in Skala Preview.
  • Sketch QR Code, by Lerte Smith: A Plugin for generate SVG QR Code in Sketch app.
  • Sketch Rename Artboards, by Kevin van Breemaat: Rename Artboards based on their X and Y locations in Sketch
  • Sketch Replace Layer, by Daniel Eden: Replace selected layer(s) with copied content/layer(s)
  • Sketch Resize, by Luca Orio: Resize (not scale) multiple layers at once via shortcut.
  • Sketch Reverse, by Luca Orio: Reverse the position or depth of selected elements.
  • Sketch RTL, by Devin Mancuso: Automatically create RTL layouts of your designs with this plugin for Bohemian Coding's Sketch 3
  • Sketch Runner, by Sketch Runner: Speed up your Sketch workflow
  • Sketch Search Everywhere, by 捻捻转儿: Search layer and select it, by matching textValue, name or ObjectID.
  • Sketch Select, by Canis Minor: Make it much more convenient to select layers with similar attributes.
  • Sketch SF UI Font Fixer, by Kyle Hickinson: A Sketch plugin that adjusts the character spacing on text layers using iOS 9's SF UI Text/Display fonts to what it would be when used in an iOS app.
  • Sketch Show Bounding Boxes, by Pravdomil: Sketch plugin that shows bounding boxes of all layers
  • Sketch Slicer, by Derek Nguyen: Create slice layers from selected layers, with padding or set a fixed size.
  • Sketch Smart Style Switcher, by Francis: Switch to an existing test style if attributes matches.
  • Sketch Split Shape, by kupe517: Sketch plugin to split up a rectangle evenly by a user generated value
  • Sketch Storyboard, by Jeremy Chone: Export a full story flow and dev spec in one shortcut.
  • Sketch Style Libraries, by Sigurd Mannsaker: Sync layer & text styles from any Sketch Library
  • Sketch Style Master, by Aparajita Fishman: Sketch plugin for renaming shared styles
  • Sketch Style To React Native, by Tantan Fu: Sketch plugin that copies an element's styles in React Native way directly to your Mac clipboard.
  • Sketch Styles Generator, by Luca Orio: Generate hundreds of Sketch Shared Styles in a matter of seconds.
  • Sketch Swatches, by Ashung Hung: A swatches plugin for Sketch, include Material Design, Open Color, RAL, TOYO, Pantone and more.
  • Sketch Symbol Legend, by WIX Incubator: Legend for your Sketch Symbols.
  • Sketch Sync, by Sensive: Create a collaboration hub for your Sketch files.
  • Sketch Syntax Highlighter, by Daniel Guillan & Javi Sanchez: Automatically highlight the syntax of any code snippet, right within Sketch.
  • Sketch Tiles, by Robert Clarke: A Sketch plugin for playing with seamless tiles.
  • Sketch Tinypng Compressor, by Alex D: A Plugin that compresses bitmap assets using TinyPNG API. This Plugin requires Sketch 3.8.
  • Sketch Title Case, by Mattias Hemmingsson: Sketch Plugin to make text Title Case
  • Sketch Topographic, by ziven27: Display Topographic Information
  • Sketch Translation, by Hoai Nguyen: A Sketch plugin for easy multi-language design
  • Sketch Unlinker, by Eivind Bøhler: Sketch plugin that lets you unlink selected layers and groups from either shared symbols, styles or text styles, en masse.
  • Sketch Unlock All Selected Layers, by Derek Atkinson: Unlock all selected layers using ⌘⌥L
  • Sketch User Flows, by reqfire: A Sketch Plug-in for importing/exporting user flow and interface definitions from Reqfire.
  • Sketch Wakatime, by WakaTime: A Plugin to update your WakaTime stats automatically from Sketch.
  • Sketch WCAG, by Bryan Berger: A Sketch plugin that lets you contrast test your entire color palette against the WCAG guidelines all at once
  • Sketch Camera Hotkeys, by Jay Mo: Navigate around and present more efficiently
  • Sketch Easing Gradients, by larsenwork: Supercharge your gradients in Sketch with no-linear color mix and custom color spaces
  • Sketch Export to, by Marco Cardoso: Export an artboard layers to json or markdown
  • Sketch Tailwind, by Jan D'Hollander: Export your design to a theme-file you can use in your Tailwind Css config.
  • Sketch2AE, by Big XiXi: A Sketch plugin to export sketch file to Adobe After Effect
  • sketch2vd, by Alex Lockwood: A Sketch plugin that exports selected layers to VectorDrawable for Android.
  • Sketch2Web, by Skuko: Export your project to web in just one click.
  • SketchCleaner, by Yummygum: Sketch plugin that helps you get your design files as clean as a whistle.
  • SketchContentSync, by ContentSync: Sync sketch files with google docs.
  • SketchDistributor, by Peter Strömberg: Distribute selection objects vertically or horizontally with a given spacing between them.
  • SketchI18N, by Guangming Li : Sketch Internationalization Plugin
  • SketchReloadPlugins, by Simple Liang: Reload Plugins.
  • SketchTextSourcer, by Hamid Palo: Sketch plugin for easily populating a bunch of text layers from a source.
  • SketchTurbo, by usagimaru: A plugin for Sketch that adjusts scroll speed on a canvas.
  • Sketchy Pies, by Aby Nimbalkar: A Sketch plugin to magically convert regular circle layers into pie charts!
  • Slice It, by xdeepakv: Slice-it tool, Export the slices from the local sketch file in png,jpeg,svg
  • Slinky, by Finch.io: Export your Sketch designs as HTML email templates
  • Smartling, by Smartling: Plugin for Sketch that allows to translate and pseudo-localize designs using the Smartling platform.
  • Smudge, by Matthew Kaufer: Emulate blend functionality from Adobe Illustrator
  • Snatch, by ZhichengChen: Sketch plugin which upload layer to CDN directly.
  • SnipSnap, by Wes Craig: Remove extra padding on multiple layers or artboards with ease.
  • Somino, by Michael Vlasov: Attachable styles, Advanced clipboard, Silent export
  • Sort Me, by Roman Shamin: Sort artboards and layers by name
  • Sparkle Export Plugin, by Sparkle App: Turn any Sketch artboard in a real website using Sparkle Visual Website Builder
  • Sparkliner, by Oleg Frolov: Sparkliner — easy way to make sparkline graph
  • Specify (alpha), by Specify SAS: Export styles and assets to your Specify Libraries.
  • Spell Check Whole Page, by Tallwave: A basic spellchecker that checks all layers on a page in Sketch
  • Split & Divide, by Konstantin Raspopov: Split and Divide plugins for Sketch3 app.
  • Spooky, by Elias Julian: Is this image 🎃🔪spooky🔪🎃 enough? You'll never have to ask yourself that question again. Happy Halloween!
  • Squash, by Logan McAnsh logan@mcan.sh (https://mcan.sh): Export and optimize images with Realmac Squash
  • Stark, by Michael Fouquet, Cat Noone, Benedikt Lehnert: Ensure your design is accessible and high contrast for every type of color blindness.
  • Stash, by Jarek Ostrowski & David Diefenderfer: Import artboards from Stash to Sketch
  • States, by Eden Vidal: Create different artboard states and switch between them easily
  • Stickers, by Roman Nurik: A Sketch plugin that lets you browse and quickly drag+drop stickers (specially tagged layers) in your Sketch Libraries.
  • StickyGrid, by Yasuaki Uechi: Sketch plugin to make paths be snapped to grid.
  • Storyboard Export, by Crank Software Inc.: Export Sketch based designs to be used within Crank Software's Storyboard Suite
  • String Value Puller, by YannickWidmer: Plugin to handle pull string values from github repositories.
  • stuffing, by Ashung: A DataSupplier plugin which supplies chinese data.
  • Style Inventory, by Florian Schulz: Generate a visual style sheet with all colors and text styles that you are using in Sketch.
  • StyleClip, by Vincent: Sketch plugin that copies an element's styles directly to your Mac clipboard. Supports CSS & SCSS
  • styledrop, by Ryan McLaughlin: A plugin for Sketch allows you to easily copy styles from one layer to another.
  • Super Shapes, by Sures Kumar: Generate complex organic super-shapes using super formula.
  • SVG Insert, by tankxu: Insert SVG code as a Layer.
  • SVG to React Component, by reeli: Sketch plugin to compress SVG and transform it to React (include React Native) components. By copy React component directly to you clipboard or export as files.
  • SVG Bem, by Atomatic: A Plugin for SVG export to convert IDs to Classes, create BEM Styled Naming Based on Layers. Uses SVGO to compresse and Clean up SVGs, right when you export them. Based on the SVGO Compressor Plugin
  • SVGO Compressor, by Bohemian Coding: A Plugin that compresses SVG assets using SVGO, right when you export them. This Plugin requires Sketch 3.8.
  • SVGO Export, by Joseph Casey: Uses SVGO to compress exported SVG assets
  • Swap Fill & Border, by Nathan Rutzky: Sketch.app plugin for swapping fill and border colors.
  • Swap Styles, by Oz Pinhas: Sketch plugin for swaping styles between two layers.
  • Swap Width Height, by dannymcclain: Swap a layer's width and height.
  • Swappr, by pranusarna94: Swap layer positions and styles
  • SwiftColorPalette, by nahitheper: Sketch plugin that generates Swift Color Theme with enums
  • Symbol and Artboard Organizer, by Myrronth: Organize your symbols and artboards.
  • Symbol Browser, by Pratik Shah: A new way to browse your symbols. Make the most of your Design System by bringing symbols and UI Sticker sheet together.
  • Symbol Instance Locator, by Jason Burns: Locate all instances of a selected symbol or instance.
  • Symbol Instance Renamer, by Jason Burns: Rename all symbol instances to the name of their master.
  • Symbol Instance Sheet, by Jason Burns: Generate a sheet of symbol instances from your current document or a library.
  • Symbol Namer, by Giles Perry: Rename symbol instances to their override text values
  • Symbol Organizer, by Jason Burns: Organize your symbols page and layer list, based on the symbol names.
  • Symbol Override Padding, by Jonathan Tran: Add bottom padding to a symbol override
  • Symbol Spacer Sketch Plugin, by Geert Wille: Automatically resize spacing symbols to correct size when changing to different one
  • Symbol States, by Ozgur Gunes: A Sketch plugin which saves overrides of a symbol instance as states to be applyable on another instance of that symbol later.
  • Symbol Swapper, by Jason Burns: Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.
  • Symbol Text Inspector, by Dmitri Bilyk: Easily inspect the specifications of all text overrides in symbols, including in nested symbols.
  • Symbol Insert, by Michael Le: Simple plugin to insert Sketch symbols
  • Symbol Merger, by Jonathan Tran: A Sketch plugin that merges duplicate symbols
  • Symbol Overlay Toggle, by uxcourt: A Sketch plug-in to seek specific style names in library-sourced symbols and toggle the styles.
  • SymbolNameAutocomplete, by griffin-stewie: This plugin gives you autocompletion of symbol names when creating a symbol.
  • SymbolNameSync, by griffin-stewie: This plugin gives you syncing names between Symbol masters and its instances.
  • Symbols Manager, by Jaer Pollux: A fast and easy way to manage all your symbols. No more hassle with long and complex symbols name, or renaming tons of symbols because you misspelled a folder name.
  • Sympli, by Sympli: Perfect your collaboration with Sympli. Share specs and assets, then inspect designs and make pixel-perfect apps faster online or with plugins for Android Studio and Xcode.
  • Sync To Slides, by Siddhartha: Sync to Slides is a Sketch plugin that will help you upload your artboards to Google Slides directly without an export step
  • System Styles, by Seb Bailey: Generate all the text styles you'll need, including alignment and colour.
  • Table of Contents, by You-Wen Liang (Mark): Sketch plugin for generating table of contents for documentations
  • Tabula Rasa, by Arthur Klepchukov: Add blank backgrounds to transparent artboards
  • Text Styles Manager, by Jaer Pollux: A fast and easy way to manage all your Text Styles. No more hassle with long and complex names, or renaming tons of styles because you misspelled a folder name.
  • Text to Styles, by Thomas Brasington: Generates Sketch type styles programmatically from Artboards
  • Textbox Fit Content, by Julius Sohn: This plugin sets the height of a selected text layer or all text layers in a selected group to it's content's height.
  • Texts Translate, by Santi: Manage Sketch texts in multiple locales.
  • Timelapse, by Team Timelapse: Create beautiful high-speed videos of your work in Sketch and show off your progress.
  • Timeline, by Anima Team: Create beautiful timeline animations and export GIF or MP4
  • TinyFaces 👦🏼👨🏾👩🏻, by Maxime De Greve: Fill content with random avatars & data
  • TitleCase, by Jesse Bilsten: A Sketch plugin that changes your text to TitleCase
  • Toggle Constrain Proportions, by Erik Gelderblom: Toggles the contrain proportions setting with keyboard shortcut ⌘ + P. Sketch v39+ compatible.
  • Toggle NoPrint, by Denis Sudilkovsky: Toggle Visibility of 'NoPrint' layers in Sketch
  • toggleLayers, by Kevin Gutowski: One action to toggle layers on / off so that you can more easily remap this to a custom keyboard shortcut.
  • Translate From JSON, by kbirgoren: A Sketch plugin lets you use variables for texts in your designs.
  • Translate.me, by Eduardo Gómez Vásquez: Translations. Simplified. Translate your Sketch text layers, artboards and pages in over 100 languages with Translate.me plugin. Powered by Google.
  • Transpose, by Wes Craig: Transpose your selection and set pixel margins between elements.
  • Triangle Field, by Luke Anderson: Generate Delaunay triangle tessellation inside a shape.
  • truncat, by Kevin Gutowski: A Sketch plugin to truncate text.
  • Truncate Text Lines, by Manuel Muñoz: Truncate the number of lines of a textbox, adding an ellipsis if needed. It works using words or characters.
  • Turkish Data, by Özgür Güneş: Turkish data supplier plugin.
  • Typesettings, by buames: A quest for consistency
  • typex, by reinvanoyen: Highly configurable text styles to web (css, sass, html, json, ...) export plugin
  • Typograph, by Dmitry Gerasimov: Typograph — Sketch plugin and js-library
  • uiLogos, by vijay verma: Insert professionally designed dummy logos of companies.
  • Units, by Dennis Ploeger: A Sketch plugin for working with print units (inch, cm, mm) in Sketch's pixel world.
  • Unsplash It, by Manuele Capacci: A plugin to quickly include great looking image from Unsplash.com in your Sketch projects.
  • Unsplasher, by Giles Perry: Fills shapes or symbols with images from Unsplash
  • Unused Style Remover, by Jason Burns: Remove unused layer and text styles.
  • Upload to CloudApp, by Delighted Inc.: Upload to CloudApp: Upload the current artboard or page to CloudApp.
  • Use Icon Fonts in Sketch, by Kerem Sevencan: Use icon fonts in sketch
  • User Flows, by Aby Nimbalkar: Generate user walkthroughs from Artboards in Sketch.
  • Userflows, by Farid Sabitov: Plugin for generating easy to use user flows in Sketch
  • Utility Belt, by Frank Kolodziej: An always-expanding collection of simple, focused plugins for Sketch.
  • Visualeyes, by konsalex & dmraptis: Generate attention heatmaps in seconds
  • VK Data, by VKCOM: Plugin for using data from your account at vk.com
  • Wanderer, by Andrey Shakhmin: Frictionless, Finder like navigation in layer list by using beloved arrow keys and simple shortcuts.
  • WeTransfer, by WeTransfer: Share artboards and pages via WeTransfer
  • Whale Kit, by jingwhale:
  • WtDesign, by Yoshinori Kawasaki: Sketch plugin for Wantedly Design System
  • Y Tools, by yued-fe.TM: Sketch plugin tools yued-fe.TM
  • Z Rating, by Pranu Sarna: Sketch plugin for designers @zomato to quickly change and maintain restaurant ratings
  • Zen Sketch, by Francis Vega: A collection of Sketch plugins
  • Zeplin, by Zeplin: Zeplin Sketch Plugin.
  • zeroheight, by zeroheight: Document your design system using beautifully simple styleguides synced with Sketch and code 💎 💻
  • ⚓️ Sketch SelectPlus, by Sabarinathan Masilamani: Helps you select different type of layers, specific Shapes like Rectangle, Ovals, Triangles, Lines, Arrows, Paths, etc.
  • ⚡️ Bolt, by Arcangelo Fiore: Import screenshots faster
  • 🐳 蓝湖, by lanhuapp.com: Awesome Product Design Tool
  • 📐 Sketch Guides, by Pratik Shah: Quickly generate Guides for a selected element in Sketch
  • 📕 PDF Export, by David Williames: Export all pages, current page or selected artboards into a PDF — based on a range of settings
  • 🕵🏻‍ Find and Replace Text, by Chris Wetterman: Find and replace text throughout your Sketch document

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Prototyping AI experiences with Chris Butler

#Prototyping #AI #UX

Prototyping AI experiences

Thank you for attending the presentation and AI workshop!

First, could you do me a favor?
I would love to get feedback on the tutorial. It only takes a minute and it helps me continue to improve: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GV9XJ9L



About Chris Butler

I help teams understand the real business problems they should solve with AI-centered solutions. The teams we work with are generally asked to “do something interesting” with the data they have. We help them avoid local maxima through happenstance correlations and focus on solving huge business problems. My background includes over 18 years of product and business development experience at companies like Microsoft, KAYAK, and Waze. At Philosophie, I have created techniques like Empathy Mapping for the Machine and Confusion Mapping to create cross-team alignment while building AI products. If you want to learn more or get in touch via email, LinkedIn, or visit http://philosophie.is/human-centered-ai.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

You’re not the user: 5 things I learned from using Hotjar for a year

#UX #ProductDesign #Hotjar

Hotjar is an all-in-one Analytics and Feedback tool that makes it easy to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. As the UX designer in an online travel agency, I relied majorly on Hotjar…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Airtable Universe: Polaris UX Nuggets example

#UX #Research #Video #Feedback #collaboartion

Tomer Sharon, the head of User Experience at WeWork and author of the books Validating Product Ideas and It's Our Research, considers Polaris "one...

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Hotjar - Heatmaps, Visitor Recordings, Conversion Funnels, Form Analytics, Feedback Polls and Surveys in On...

#UX #Research #Video #heatmaps

See how visitors are really using your website, collect user feedback and turn more visitors into customers.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

11 iOS 11 Features That Apple Didn’t Show Us - YouTube

#iOS11 #Tips #UX

Terry White is here to show us 11 iOS 11 features that didn't get much mention by Apple, but are still really useful and cool. Love the screen capture (stills and videos) for feedback and UX testing and lots more...

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