
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Mastering Interaction Design through Craft, Productivity and Workflow

#UI #UX #IXD #Interaction #MotionDesign

As UI design gets more interactive, new skills and faces emerge to give us a lesson on how to get animations and movement right when creating delightful screens for rather little devices. To…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch2AE: Plugin for Sketch and After Effects

#Sketch #AFX #Animation #Motion #Productivity

Live After Effects layers straight from Sketch artboards

Sketch layers may now be imported into After Effects without redrawing everything in Illustrator. Avoid the startling realization that you have to repeat the whole import process simply because you forgot to split one element out onto its own layer or that type has to be converted into live text as an additional process per layer.

Quickly export selected layers or a whole artboard from Sketch with type metrics, transform data, images, symbol hierarchy, and grouping intact. It's little bit better than the native Illustrator => AE import. Hooray.

Built by Adam Plouff for the SUMux Motion Design Team at Google.

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