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Lux Sommers @luxsommers

at self-employed in New York City, NY

Available Freelance www.luxsommerscw.com (PW lu...

I have five years of experience working as a Copywriter. I've written radio, tv, websites, apps, print, outdoor, online videos, etc., and have worked on a wide array of product categories, including QSR, pharmaceuticals, fashion, financial, packaged goods and more. Words are my medium, and I like to put them together to think huge. I have a wild imagination when it comes to dreaming up big ideas for brands—or even the small but potent kind. No matter the size of your project, I’d love to help you make it hum. Portfolio: http://www.luxsommerscw.com (PW luxport)


Dunkin' Donuts, Cappella University, Bank Of America, Keds, Interpublic Group, Novartis, Celgene, Room To Grow


Copywriting, editing, advertising, creative direction, creative strategy, social media, broadcast

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