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Meaghan @mglennan

Writer, Copy Editor, Proofreader
in New York City, NY

Not Available meaghanglennan.com

Storytelling is my dream job. I've never met a cheeseburger I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with. I recently moved to New York after spending some time in Paris while my husband worked on a Master's degree. I am a copy editor and corporate writer by trade, and a documenteer by heart. I'm deeply passionate and serious about my work, but am also pretty good at bringing fun and levity to the table on the roughest and toughest of days.


University of Chicago, Goose Island Beer Co., Mack Tucks, P&G, Cargill


Print and Digital Storytelling, Corporate Writing, Reporting, Copy Editing, Proofreading, Internal Communications, Non-Profit, Fundraising, Grant Writing, Photography, Basic Audio Editing


English, French

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