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Robin Greif @robinegreif

at Self, freelance in New York City, NY

Available Freelance www.coroflot.com/robinegreif

Robin Greif has a stunning, creative portfolio that sets her apart from most other writers whose work you’ll see. Not only has she been with many major ad agencies on consumer accounts, but she also specializes in writing B2B and DTC pharmaceutical copy. A former computer programmer at B of A and Wells Fargo Bank—Robin can simplify the complex easily. So when it comes to consumer, pharmaceutical, healthcare, financial, technical, or other compliance-oriented topics, she is a real pro. Robin has written for many different kinds of accounts, from MasterCard to MetLife, Ameriprise Financial to ExJade, Acuvite (pharmaceutical accounts) and Sprint to HP. She’s also created campaigns for Bank of America, IBM, Visa, Chase, Starwood, MetLife, and other accounts. She’s freelanced with Concentric Pharmaceutical Advertising, GSW/Inventiv Pharmaceutical Advertising, Ogilvy Healthworld, 360i Digital Marketing, Saks Fifth Avenue online, Bernard Hodes Worldwide, TBWA/Chiat/Tequila, MRM Partners/McCann Worldwide and other agencies. She’s also been on staff with LexisNexis, the leader in legal research, where she’s written everything from email marketing to Web sites, banner ads to collateral as well as for social media sites. Plus, she’s been with Grant Thornton LLP, a worldwide accounting film, where she’s created sales-oriented campaigns for tax, business assurance, and management consulting services.


Designed and edited direct, email marketing and interactive ad campaigns for clients such as TBWA\Chiat\Tequila, MRM Partners/McCann Worldwide, TheStreet.com, Grey Worldwide, Wunderman Worldwide, Cooper Direct, Bernard Hodes & other companies with passion and commitment. As per my creative supervisor at Bernard Hodes, Rishi Connor, our working together was "the most creative and productive period of my entire career." Wrote copy for Bank of America, Sprint, HP, IBM, Visa, Chase, Ameriprise Financial, Starwood, MetLife and many additional accounts. Also worked on pharma accounts such as Restasis, Esbriet, ExJade, and Occuvite.


Copywriting and campaign development in traditional and digital media



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