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Shelda Eason @sheldaeason

UX UI Designer
at Self Employed in New York City, NY

Not Available www.slideshare.net/easonshelda

I know how to balance the needs of the stakeholders with what the users are saying about a product. I was able to learn how to listen when I was working with the brand marketing team at Comedy Central. The network’s audience is men between the ages of 18 – 34 and it was a challenging audience to keep engaged. We had to create marketing campaigns based on their habits and needs. Listening is a skillset that I bring to UX design. Active listening is part of my design strategy within the discoverability process to undercover certain gems that can differentiate a company’s product or service from their competitor. Of course, my favorite part is designing solutions from the research. I enjoy understanding the behavior of users as well as creating engaging solutions that will keep them interested.


In The Black Financial Wellness, Freda Thomas Consulting, Early Bird Capital


UX Design, protoytyping, research, competitive/comparative analysis, presentation development (in Powerpoint or Keynote)



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