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5,000+ Student Reviews of the best online courses from Harvard, Udemy, YouTube, Coursera, etc. Compare all the best courses in one place.
#Framer #Prototyping #Tutorials #Videos
“Learn is a brand-new section with videos, written guides, and more designed to help you become a Framer expert.”
#CareerAdvice #Jobs
21 essential UX design interview questions & how to answer them
#Sketch #Tutorials #SmartLayout #Videos
“Get an overview of how Smart Layout can supercharge your Symbols and turn them into reusable, responsive components that resize to fit their content.”
#Sketch #SmartLayout #Tutorials #UIDesign #Productivity
“Smart Layout in Sketch 58 is damn powerful, there is a lot you can do with it. In this article I’d like to show you how to set up Smart Layout for your Navigation & Dropdown Menu design.”
#Sketch #Tutorials #SmartLayout
This is the most important feature since Symbol Overrides. Finally, you can make Symbols that behave in the same way as its final implementation — everything thanks to Smart Layout. In this story…
#Protopie #Protototyping #Tools #Free #Course #Tutorials
Another free course by Meng To is here. ProtoPie is a cross-platform prototyping tool that creates prototypes nearly as powerful as those made with code, with half of the efforts, and zero code.
#RealityComposer #AR #Tools #3D #Apple
The Keynote for AR by Apple seems very promising and very advanced already! It’s called Reality Composer.
One beloved feature in Keynote, “Magic move”, is not included yet but prototyping AR Experiences is no longer a thing that needs to take weeks, tons of money and specialized skills, but something that any UX/UI designer can experiment with.
And it’s not only a Prototyping tool. You can then export your AR experience for others to play with or to include in other apps or embed in web sites.
#AR #Tutorials #Prototyping #Tools #RealityComposer #OSX #IOS
But during this year’s WWDC, Apple...
#Tools #Productivity
A basic app that allows you to find and copy special characters to your clipboard. Click or tap on a character and it will be copied to your clipboard.
#Tools #Productivity #ProjectManagement #IA
A website planning suite for professionals, teams and agencies. Collaboration, real-time sharing and CMS exporting done right. Get 30 Days Free Today.
#Podcasts #Sketch #ProductDesign #Interviews
Should what a founder wants to build take priority over what the customers want? Well, for Pieter Omvlee, CEO of Sketch, it was really one and the same. Sketch was created to solve a real problem he and his co-founder were experiencing. While the company has grown in response to its users' high demand, they have been able to stick to their original goal - solve their own problem by creating a better product. In this episode, you’ll learn how the best products are built and how to have a growth reluctant mindset, which may sound counterintuitive. Yet, this mentality could be the reason Sketch has found itself growing rapidly with a community of evangelists (Innovatemap being one of them). Connect with Pieter Learn more about Sketch Connect with Christian Connect with Anna Learn more about Innovatemap Products mentioned: Invision Slack. The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, smart speaker – and even in your car. For free. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium.
#ProductDesign #UX #Podcasts
Listen to UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy episodes free, on demand. Isn't game theory all about points, levels, and badges? Definitely not. These are all just visible mechanics, the superficial icing on the cake. Our guest today is the amazing Amy Jo Kim — a startup coach, game designer, best-selling author, and the founder of Game Thinking. You'll learn how to use her method with early superfans, and fundamentally shape the entire customer journey: discovery, onboarding, habit building, and mastery. Podcast feed: subscribe to https://feeds.simplecast.com/4MvgQ73R in your favorite podcast app, and follow us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play Music. Show Notes Game Thinking (also available on Audible), Community Building on the Web — Amy's books The Lean Startup, Design Thinking — some of the popular product design methods Game Thinking TV — Amy's YouTube channel Find your ideal early customers with Job Stories — one of their videos on Job Stories GameThinking.io — Amy's website Innovator Quiz — a quiz to receive a free product/market fit cheatsheet Follow Amy Jo on Twitter: @amyjokim Today's Sponsor This episode is brought to you by Airtable. With Airtable, you and your team can ideate, organize, and execute on your ambitious product vision in a single place. Quickly glance at the high level progress of all your initiatives, or drill into any of the specific details to understand how to unblock projects. Receive $50 in credit by signing up at airtable.com/uibreakfast. Interested in sponsoring an episode? Learn more here. Leave a Review Reviews are hugely important because they help new people discover this podcast. If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please leave a review on iTunes. Here's how. The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, smart speaker – and even in your car. For free. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium.
#DataViz #Tips #MaterialDesign
#iOS #SwiftUI #Dev #Mobile #Free #Tutorials
Ready to get started with SwiftUI? In this tutorial you'll learn how to build a scrolling table of items, how to handle selection, how to create a new screen...
#iOS #MobileDev #Tutorials #Courses
Learn how to create beautiful layouts, UI animations and interactions using SwiftUI and Xcode 11. A course for designers and beginners.
#Motion #UIDesign #Tips #Tutorials #InVisionStudio
What takes a product animation from good to great? Really, it’s all about the small details. Using InVision Studio, let’s […]
You can choose to show Artboard names, shadows and prototyping links, allowing you to quickly export user flows and UX overviews. This makes it super simple to see and share your whole user flow with shareholders, colleagues and other designers, saving time and streamlining your workflow. Check out the exported version of our Prototyping Template below to see what it looks like — prototyping links included!
#Tutorials #Courses #Free #WebDev
#Optimization #Conversion #LandingPages #Mobile #UX #UIDesign #Copywriting
When it comes to mobile landing pages, every second counts. Don't miss out on potential conversions. Follow these tips to build the perfect mobile landing page.