
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Using Time To Sculpt Software Animation

#Animation #BestPractices

Designing animation is sculpting time. Timing is critical. If you don’t consider animation timing, you’re not designing animation.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Timeline: Animation Easing Functions Explained

#AnimaApp #Timeline #Animation #Sketch

Timeline is a tool for animation design, right inside Sketch. On this post we’ll explore easing functions, and the new easing controller. An easing function determines rate of change of a parameter…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Diya: Timeline animation directly in Sketch (10% off!)

#Sketch #Plugins #Animations #Deals #Prototyping

Beautiful interaction design. Right inside Sketch.

Special Design&Prototype 10% off:
Use code “DAPNYC” at checkout.

Offer ends on May 10th. 

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Timeline for Sketch Is Now Available!💥

#Sketch #Plugins #AnimaApp #Animations #Gifs #MicroInteractions

Timeline empowers designers to craft beautiful animations and export them. The first release of Timeline allows exporting to GIF or MP4 files, but as we mentioned in our Secret Plan — we have much…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

basicScroll: Parallax scrolling with CSS variables

#CSS #Animations #Frameworks #CSSVariables

Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

How SVG Line Animation Works

#SVGs #Animations #CSS

I bet all of you have seen that little trick where an SVG path is animated to look like it's drawing itself. It's super cool. Jake Archibald pioneered the technique and has a super good interactive blog post on how it works. Brian Suda wrote about it on 24 Ways. Polygon used it to great effect on a custom designed

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Mimicking the Medium Clap Animation with Sketch and Haiku

#Sketch #Haiku #Animations #MicroInteractions #React

Mastering CSS used to be a barrier for entry to designing complex motion animations. Haiku makes it approachable for beginners.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Using Sketch and TexturePacker to create 2D Sprites

#Sketch #Animations

There are a myriad of products and solutions for making 2D sprites. Spriter and DragonBones are among my favorite programs. They have their place and are definitely worth learning, unless you want to…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Good to great UI animation tips

#UIDesign #MicroInteractions #Animations #UX

Let’s see some examples of UI animations going from good to great. With a little bit of tweaking here and there, you can elevate your UI patterns with animation. The interactions listed show…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

20 UI Animation Tutorials

#UI #Animations #Tutorials #MicroInteractions

20 Really Useful UI Animation Tutorials Every Designer Should Know

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...


#SVGs #JS #Animations

The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG. SVG.js has no dependencies and aims to be as small as possible.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

How to Morph SVG Shapes in Kite Compositor

#KiteCompositor #Animations #SVGs #iOS

In Kite, you can morph any SVG shape smoothly into another SVG shape using keyframe animation. In this video, I will show how to morph between SVG shapes in ...

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Haiku: Design, meet production

#Haiku #Animation #UIDesign #iOS #Android #WebDev #MicroInteractions

Where designing is building. Design UI components, powered by motion. Works with any iOS, Android, or Web codebase.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Timeline for Sketch Plugin

#AnimaApp #Animation #Sketch #Plugins

Unleash your creativity. Create GIFs & Videos directly from Sketch.
Pre-Sale continues with 25% off until official release in March. Timeline price will be $79 when we launch.

👉 Watch the video 📼

  • 100% Money back in case of no release
  • 25% OFF Official price (1 year)
  • License includes a year’s worth of updates
  • Expected Release March - 2018
Our products are being used & loved by designers at Apple, Facebook, Google, MailChimp, Starbucks, Shopify, Amazon, Disney Netflix, Trip Advisor and a lot more.

Our goal at anima is to empower designers with powerful visual tools.
Amongst our products you can find Auto-Layout for Sketch and Launchpad for Sketch.

Auto-Layout pioneered responsive design without coding, empowering designers to better express their ideas into live designs.
Launchpad is the first Sketch to live website solution, that enables designers to pubish real websites without the need of coding or hiring developers.

With Timeline, we are aiming to allow designers to create beautiful animations with ease.

If you believe that given the right tools you can achieve much more, support this project and join the movement.

Example animations created with Timeline

To Pre-Order Timeline click "Pay Now" below.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

10 Free Animation Libraries For The Web

#CSS #Animation #JS

Animation is one of the key trends for 2018, but you don't have to reinvent the wheel to add movement to your sites. We look at the best free animation

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

The importance of motion for UX design

#UX #UIdesign #Motion #Animation

Motion in software is becoming an increasingly important aspect of modern day human-computer interaction. Partly due to the increasing computing capability of devices, designers can count on the…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Animated SVG Alphabet Tutorial with Sketch and Keyshape

#Sketch #Keyshape #Animation #SVG #Typography

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a pre-animated A-Z SVG alphabet in a nice font like Roboto? Yes and yes and it’s coming soon. Even better it’s totally free. Yes I’m insane so what’s new? In this…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Protowire: Prototyping in Sketch (30% off!)

#Sketch #Prototyping #Tools #Plugin #Deals

No coding or exporting to other applications:
Watch the Video

Rather than something you do at the end, Protowire aims to integrate interaction and animation into the design process without having to change your designs to suit the software.

  • Integrated into Sketch
    No need to export to a separate prototyping application - review the prototype instantly in Sketch or on a device.

  • UI Animations
    Just by moving layers around you can have overlays appear and disappear.

  • Screen Transitions
    Quickly create the flow of your app by linking up artboards from layers or hotspots.

  • Responsive Design
    Use Sketch’s resizing constraints and responsive artboard groups to make prototypes that work on any screen size.

To celebrate the launch there is 30% off the pro version by using coupon code 9146C9AF. 

Offer expires on Monday 26th February at 4pm Pacific Time.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

A Practical Guide to SVGs on the web

#SVG #Animation #Interaction #CSS #JS #HTML

This guide aims to give a practical overview of how you can use SVGs on your websites — with some tips and tricks along the way to get the most out of them.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Timeline for Sketch by Anima App

#Animation #Gif #CSS #AnimaApp #Sketch

Create beautiful timeline animations in Sketch

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Haiku: design meets production

#animation #UIDesign #webdesign

Design, meet production. Craft imaginative UI components that snap into any web app. Code optional.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Lottie: Behind the scenes of our new open-source animation tool.

#UIDesign #tools #Animation #opensource

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Mastering Interaction Design through Craft, Productivity and Workflow

#UI #UX #IXD #Interaction #MotionDesign

As UI design gets more interactive, new skills and faces emerge to give us a lesson on how to get animations and movement right when creating delightful screens for rather little devices. To…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Flow Beta: Animate from Sketch files and export Native Code

#Sketch #Flow #Motion #Animation #MobileDev

Flow is a motion-design tool for animating Sketch files and eliminating the most painful parts of hand-off in app development. It bridges the gap between design and development by generating native…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

InVision Studio | Screen Design. Redesigned. (Coming Jan 2018)

#InVision #UIDesign #Prototyping #Libraries #Collaboration

Unless you've been under a rock 🤣  you probably have already seen the video. Very exciting, especially the ability to design and do better prototyping within InVision. In InVision's words "The world’s most powerful screen design tool. Rapid prototyping, animation, built-in design systems, and collaboration—all in one place." Coming Jan 2018.

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