
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Presto Selecto: Quickly select all layers by name

#Sketch #Plugins #Productivity

presto-selecto - Quickly select all layers of a type, whose name matches or contains a given string.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Presto Selecto: Quickly select all layers of a type a give...

presto-selecto - Quickly select all layers of a type, whose name matches or contains a given string.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

GitHub for Atom

#Git #Dev #Github #Atom

Atom's newest core package brings Git and GitHub integration right inside your editor!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch: Move Symbols to Library

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity #DesignSystems

You can now move a symbol from your project to any library and re-connect all the symbol instances to this library while keeping the overrides. It works with Abstract too!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...


#Sketch #Plugin #Icons

Generate a dynamic icons library

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketchbook plugin: HTML-sketchapp · GitHub

#Sketch #Plugin #HTML #Productivity

Experimental HTML to Sketch export solution

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Export-More: Sketch artboards to GIF

#Sketch #Plugin #Export #gif

Sketch plugin for exporting a sequence of Artboards toICNS and GIFs

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Scrollama: scrollable pages

#JS #FrontEnd #HTML #Storytelling

Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Find instances of a shared layer or text style.

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity

Find instances of a shared layer or text style.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Remove unused layer and text styles.

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity

Remove unused layer and text styles.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch Symbol Swapper

#Sketch #Plugins #Libraries #Productivity

Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to a master of the same name in a library.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch plugin to selects similar layers

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity #Tips

A Sketch plugin that selects layers with the same fill or border color.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Generate a sheet of symbol instances from your current document or Library

#Sketch #DesignSystems #Productivity #plugin

Generate a sheet of symbol instances from your current document or a library.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Select invisible layers on current page in Sketch

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity #Tips

Select invisible layers on current page in Sketch

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch to React Native Plugin

#Sketch #React #Plugin #Productivity

Convert Sketch files into React Native components

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch plugin that deletes a documents color palette.

#Sketch #Plugins

sketch-cleardoccolorpalette - Sketch plugin that deletes a documents color palette.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

GitHub - margusholland/Comma: Sketch plugin for text modifications

Select text layers, layer groups or artboards to change the text. 

The following commands are available:
  • Change text to Lowercase, Uppercase, Title Case and Sentence Case
  • Change three consecutive periods to ellipsis
  • Add a single space after every punctuation character (.,?!:;)
  • Replace all double spaces with single spaces
  • Replace all double line breaks with single line breaks
  • Show character and word counts

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

A guide to work with Sketch & Framer

Learn advanced prototyping in Framer with Davo:

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Symbol Organizer: Organize your symbols page alphabetically

#Sketch #Plugin #Productivity #Tips

Organize your symbols page alphabetically (including layer list) and into groupings determined by your symbol names.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Symbol Organizer: Organize your symbols page alphabetically

#Sketch #Productivity #plugin

Organize your symbols page alphabetically (including layer list) and into groupings determined by your symbol names.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Atom: Open Source Text Editor That Rocks

#TextEditor #Development #JS #CSS

GitHub is building the text editor they’ve always wanted (and I already ❤️ it too!) hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. Definitely give it a try!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

SketchStyles: A Sketch plugin to import & export text styles.

#Sketch #DesignSystems #Productivity #plugin

A Sketch plugin to import & export text styles.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch Styles Generator

#Sketch #DesignSystems #Productivity #plugin

Generate hundreds of Sketch Shared Styles in a matter of seconds!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Keys-For-Sketch: Advanced shortcut manager for Sketch app.

#Sketch #Plugins

Keys-For-Sketch - Advanced shortcut manager for Sketch app.

Please note once installed you can access it from Sketch's preferences, not the plugin's menu.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

sketch-share-as-is/README.md at master · turbobabr/sketch-share-as-is · GitHub

#Sketch #plugins

Contribute to sketch-share-as-is development by creating an account on GitHub.

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