#Awards #Webdesign #CSS
Welcome to Website of the Year 2017, a special collaboration between CSSDA and Wokine that showcases the finalists and winners of the web design and development industry.
#Code #Pairing #Collaboration #Tools
#Apps #Productivity #Communication #Collaboration #Slack
Download Slack for free for mobile devices or desktop. Keep up with the conversation with our apps for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and more.
#Git #Dev #collaboration #tutorial
Just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit ;)
#DesignSprints #Collaboration #ProductDesign #Dev
At Academy, we have done a great deal of thinking about process. We have interviewed industry leaders across Design, Development, and Product and universally the sentiment is… When we started to…
#ProductDesign #Process #UX #Collaboration #Startups #Lean
A design sprint is a framework for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with users.
#Collaboration #Productivity #KnowledgeBase
Get your team on the same page. Slite is the collaborative note taking app built for teams: write and share your team's knowledge, meeting notes, and more.
#InVision #UIDesign #Prototyping #Libraries #Collaboration
Unless you've been under a rock 🤣 you probably have already seen the video. Very exciting, especially the ability to design and do better prototyping within InVision. In InVision's words "The world’s most powerful screen design tool. Rapid prototyping, animation, built-in design systems, and collaboration—all in one place." Coming Jan 2018.
#Collaboration #Design #Process
If you’re a designer who wants to collaborate well: learn to include others in your process early and often, share and gain insights into how each side works, and focus on removing friction from your…
#Sketch #Photoshop #UIDesign #handoff #Dev #mobile
#Sketch #Photoshop #UIDesign #handoff #Dev
Free collaboration app for designers and developers over Google Drive. Design collaboration / handoff for macOS. Integrates with Sketch and Photoshop. Design handoff, spec and redline for Sketch and Photoshop.
#Sketch #Photoshop #UIDesign #handoff #Dev #mobile
Collaboration app for UI designers and Frontend Developers. Design hand-off has never been easier. Generate styleguides and resources, automatically.
#Sketch #Photoshop #UIDesign #handoff #Dev #mobile
Design handoff, implementation, and collaboration for web and mobile product teams. Sympli works with Photoshop, Sketch, Android Studio, and Xcode.
#Sketch #InVision #Productivity #handoff
A new design to development workflow with Inspect for better collaboration between design and development.
UX Research Best Practices with UX Manager from Kaplan @ Starta Accelerator Thursday, September 28, 2017, 6:30 to 9:00 PM User research is what can often determine whether a product is able to gain and retain users and get any traction. Want to learn more about user research best practices from an expert with years of UX experience at companies like IBM, Shutterstock and Kaplan? Join this event we are running in collaboration with Starta Accelerator.
Details and registration 👇
Framer is the best way to create interactive designs from start to finish. Design from scratch and then easily turn your work into high-fidelity prototypes. Used by Facebook, Google, and more.