#FramerX #UIDesign #Prototyping #Productivity
In this short video, find out how to customize everything about your page components in the Framer X properties panel—from sliding direction and padding to momentum and dynamic effects.
#CSS #RWD #Productivity
CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) are becoming more and more popular. They finally reached decent browser support too.
#Colors #CSS #Productivity #UIDesign
Learn how and why to switch from RGB to HSL in your projects.
Hue: your base color, pick a value from 0 to 360 (think about the color wheel) Sauration: how “intense” (rich or dull) your color will be (%) Lightness: add or remove white from your colors, 50% is the middle ground, below you add black, above white. Key for creating shades of color.
#Icons #SVGs #Accessibility #Productivity
Customise, adjust and download free vector icons. Ikonate is an adaptable set of optimised, accessible SVG icons that use can easily use in both development and design apps such as Sketch and Photoshop. Ready to use as images, inline SVGs or SVG sprites.
#DesignSystems #ProductDesign #UIDesign
I fell into this role following my passion to learn, create, and educate. You can’t exactly study design systems in school, so to be successful in this field you are constantly reaching out to learn…
#Sketch #Plugins #Productivity #UIDesign
I created this plugin because the built in "distribute" tool wasn't giving enough control and the "grid" tool being very powerful requires more settings than I want to deal with every time.
Evenly space – vertically or horizontally – selected Layers, Groups, Artboards and Symbols by a defined amount:
1) Select the elements 2) Press Command + Alt + Shift + S 3) Enter a spacing value
Enjoy! Francesco
#Sketch #Releases #Productivity
Sketch 53 has just been released! The productivity improvements are in the way overrides are now managed.
- Override Management
- You can now manage which overridable properties appear directly in the Symbol’s master.
- Overrides
- Overrides in Symbols can now be selected via the Layer List, and in the Canvas when the Symbol instance is selected.
Plus tons on other performance improvements. Some of my faves below:
- Added the ability to navigate directly to a nested Symbol’s master from the Inspector
- Color presets added to Document Colors are now included in Libraries
- Grid and Layout visibility can now be toggled for all selected Artboards
- Support has been included to view color values in HSL
- Solid color presets are now visible when viewing the gradient picker
#DesignPatternLibraries #UX #Sketch #Collaboration #Productivity
#Sketch #AnimaApp #Plugins #Prototyping #Productivity #Motion
#Sketch #UserFlows #UX #Free #Productivity
User Flow Diagram Template resource, for Sketch App. User Flow Diagram Template Sketch file freebie.
#Framer #Prototyping #Productivity
Animate components without using code- Create a design component ⌘+K. This is your Source.
- Create an instance of your component ⌘+D. This is your Target.
- Double click on your Target to change the children’s properties you want to animate.
- Connect Magic Move to Source and Target and customise its animation properties.
- Preview and be happy forever ✨
#UX #UI #ProductDesign
A micro nudge is a well-timed small animation that prompts the user to do a “small” task that they may have otherwise forgotten or not have taken notice of. The sliding “comment” is the micro nudge…
#UX #ProductDesign #HCD
What human behavior can show us about using human-centered design in the service of better-applied data.
#Tools #Collaboration #Productivity #UIDesign #WebDesign
A better way for designers and writers to work together. Sign up for Kopie and get your team on the same page.
#FramerX #Productivity
#Sketch #UI #UX #Productivity #Deals
Speed up your Sketch workflow by visually turning basic layers into symbols.
#Tools #Productivity #Sketch #HTML
Download Paparazzi, a free screenshot capture app for the Mac. Launch Paparazzi, then type in any website’s URL into the URL bar and press ‘enter’. Wait until the screenshot loads, then launch Sketch, and drag the screenshot into any open Sketch document.
In Sketch, filter the layer panel for the word “clip”, then select all layers and hit the ‘backspace’ key on your keyboard to delete all those layers. (These are the masks that keep you from selecting elements on your document.
That’s pretty much it. Now you can cmd+click any layer to choose it, and hit ‘enter’ or double click to edit.
#Sketch #Plugins #Productivity #DesignPatternLibraries #Data
Manage symbols, styles and data overrides in no time.
#mobile #iOS #Android #dev #productivity #JS #VueJS #Angular #Frameworks
Free, open source mobile framework. Build truly native iOS and Android mobile apps. Get 100% native API access with JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js, or Angular.
#DesignSystems #ProductDesign #UIDesign #Videos #InVision
Watch videos of design system pros Brad Frost, Dan Mall, and Josh Clark sharing best practices for product design at scale. Get expert recommendations for improving speed, quality, and consistency with design systems.
#Sketch #Plugins #Prototyping #Tools #Productivity #InVision
Designers need their digital prototyping tools to evolve with their workflows. That’s why we’re excited to announce Craft Player, the latest advancement in our popular Craft plugin for Sketch users.
#UX #UIDesign #BestProactices
Evolve your design too quickly and you’ll leave your users behind. Design too slowly and your users will do the same to you. It’s crucial to keep design practices aligned with the way users really interact with digital products and interfaces. To help, Huge’s UX and research teams are collaborating to test conventional and emerging design and usability standards.
#Sketch #Plugins #AnimaApp #UIDesign #Productivity
Anima Toolkit is a Sketch Plugin to convert design to code. It also allows you to use Stacks & Pins for responsive layout, right inside Sketch. Padding means that when you change the content, the…
#Sketch #Productivity #DesignPatternLibraries #UIKits #UIDesign
A white label global product, with multi-brand support, is a challenge to design. The design process have to consider the problematic of one-size-fits-all for every asset, from typography and…
#Prototyping #Figma #Principle #Productivity
Today we have some special news that’s been months…perhaps years…in the making. Figma now integrates with the prototyping tool Principle, so you can easily build advanced animations of your Figma…