
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Mastering Interaction Design through Craft, Productivity and Workflow

#UI #UX #IXD #Interaction #MotionDesign

As UI design gets more interactive, new skills and faces emerge to give us a lesson on how to get animations and movement right when creating delightful screens for rather little devices. To…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Design Systems vs. Pattern Libraries vs. Style Guides - What's the Difference?

#DesignSystems #PatternLibraries #StyleGuide

Design System – the complete set of design standards, documentation, and principles along with the toolkit (UI patterns and code components) to achieve those standards.
Pattern Library – A subclass in the design system, this is the set of design patterns for use across a company.
Style guide – Another subclass in the design system, this static documentation describes the design system itself: how products should look and feel, use cases for UI patterns, correct typographic scales, etc.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Minimalist Sketch UI Kit Freebie

#Sketch #Free #UIKit

This minimalist Sketch UI kit was designed and shared by Julio Castellano. Happy downloading!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Johny vino™ - Dribbble

#UI #UX #Mobile #Inspiration

Specialized in Interaction design, Mobile Apps [iOS and Android], Web Apps, UI/UX Design.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Zeplin: Build pixel perfect apps in peace

#Sketch #Photoshop #UIDesign #handoff #Dev #mobile

Collaboration app for UI designers and Frontend Developers. Design hand-off has never been easier. Generate styleguides and resources, automatically.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Flat Design: Why you should question Nielsen Norman’s research on the trendy design style.

#UX #UIDesign #UXResearch

The Nielsen Norman Group is probably the most influential usability consultancy in the design industry. So, when they publish an article about their research findings titled “Flat UI Elements Attract…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Strorybook: The UI Development Environment You'll ♥️ to use with React

#UIDesign #DesignStystems #FrontEnd #React

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

MailChimp: UX Patterns

#DesignSystems #Productivity #patterns #UX

The MailChimp Pattern Library is a byproduct of our move to a more responsive, nimble, & intuitive app.

Over the course of two full redesigns and our recent navigation refresh, we've worked to distill most of the MailChimp interface into a set of atomic pieces, forming the pattern library you see here. By documenting and assembling a reference site of our patterns, we were able to speed up our process and solve some internal communication problems. A common lexicon of code and UI elements benefits us in a few ways:

  • We can build consistently, focusing our energy on workflows and logic, not web forms and list items.
  • We can reuse code instead of reinventing the wheel or roping in an engineer.
  • We can see all of our patterns in one place, quickly revealing maintenance issues.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Design Resources - Apple Developer

#iOS #DesignGuidelines #Sketch #Photoshop #AdobeXD

Design apps quickly by using Photoshop and Sketch templates, plug-ins, and other preconfigured UI elements.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Mastering the Power of Nothing – Springboard

#Design #BestPractices

Whitespace is one of the most valuable assets of interactive design. The whitespace on a page, even though often overlooked, can be every bit as important as the space occupied by UI elements. In…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Francesco Bertocci UX/UI Portfolio

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