
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

LG Electronics + mCommerce Site

#LG #RWD #UX #UI #Mobile

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Free&Willing + Mobile App

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX #UI

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Free&Willing + A Platform for Talent and People Hiring

#Portfolio #RWD #UX #UI

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Recolist + Startup

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX #UI #Branding

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Recolist + Web App

#Portfolio #Web #UX #UI #Branding

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Greenr + Personal Data Startup

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Greenr + Personal Data Startup

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX #UI #Branding

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Stealth Self Help-App - UX Explorations

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Windfall + Mobile App

#Strategy #Portfolio #Mobile #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Event: Prototyping in Sketch 49 and What's New / ProtoWire & More Demos

#Events #UX #Prototyping

Sketch 49 brings quite a few improvements. Some obvious like prototyping within Sketch and some less obvious like easier-to-look-at override panels and find-and-replace colors.

– Prototyping in Sketch
– Shared Libraries on Sketch Cloud
Read more about both

– Improved Find And Replace Colors:
I wrote a quick Medium post about this

ProtoWire Demo (Advanced, responsive prototyping within Sketch)

– The Sketch 49 workshop and Protowire demo will be held by me

– Other speakers TBD. Reach out if you'd like to present!

As usual if you are a student or can’t afford the ticket let me know and I’d be more than happy to sponsor you. Reach out at francesco@freeandwilling.com See you soon!

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Good to great UI animation tips

#UIDesign #MicroInteractions #Animations #UX

Let’s see some examples of UI animations going from good to great. With a little bit of tweaking here and there, you can elevate your UI patterns with animation. The interactions listed show…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Sketch, UX and Prototyping Communities

#Communities #Sketch #UX #Prototyping

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Interaction Flow Kit for Sketch  

#Sketch #Flows #UIKits #Free #UX

The creation of interaction flows is a big part of our process as digital product designers. After many iterations we now have a mind-bending fast way to do all of this in 💎Sketch.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Framer: Form Elements UI Kit

#Framer #Forms #Prototyping

Use this Framer interactive UI kit to capture all kinds of user input in your prototypes.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Francesco Bertocci UX/UI/Product Designer - Portfolio Samples

#Portfolio #UX #Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Free&Willing + Mobile App

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Free&Willing + A Platform for Talent and People Hiring

#Portfolio #Responsive #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Gartner Design Pattern Library

#Portfolio #DesignPatternLibraries #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Personal Data Startup + Mobile App

#Portfolio #Mobile #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

You’re not the user: 5 things I learned from using Hotjar for a year

#UX #ProductDesign #Hotjar

Hotjar is an all-in-one Analytics and Feedback tool that makes it easy to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. As the UX designer in an online travel agency, I relied majorly on Hotjar…

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Gust + Platform Re-Design DPL

#Portfolio #DesignPatternLibraries #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Gust + Platform Re-design

#Portfolio #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Example of UX Iterative Process

#Portfolio #Process #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Johnson & Johnson + DePuy Synthes Joint Site Redesign Mobile

#Portfolio #Mobile #Responsive #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

AT&T + In-Store Experience

#Portfolio #Dashboards #Web #Responsive #UX

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